Shazia Z. Rafi

I am a leader with over twenty-five years experience in diplomacy and international relations, working to build a more representative, accountable and effective international political system.

Document Archive

PreviewYearDocument TitleTypeLanguageSizeLinkhf:tax:dlp_document_yearhf:doc_categorieshf:tax:dlp_document_language
Alte. Jose A. Reilly, Auditor de las Fuerzas Armadas; Dip. Stolbizer; Dr. Horacio Ravenna, Vicepresidente de la Asamblea Permanente por Is Derechos Humanos; Dr. Gabriel Valladares, Comite de la Cruz Roja Internacional
Argentina ICC Implementation panel22 KB2004photo
Towards 2017: Moving forward and preparing the International Criminal Court
Towards 2017: Moving forward and preparing the International Criminal Court70.4 KB2013speechenglish
Speech by Ross Robertson (Dec. 2013)
Speech by Ross Robertson (Dec. 2013)138 KB2013speechenglish
Presentation by Zenita Nicholson: Protecting Human Rights, Combatting Discrimination and Addressing HIV/AIDS of Persons with Diverse Sexual Orientation and Gender Identities
Presentation by Zenita Nicholson: Protecting Human Rights, Combatting Discrimination and Addressing HIV/AIDS of Persons with Diverse Sexual Orientation and Gender Identities513 KB2013presentationenglish
PGA Announces Recipients of 18th Defender of Democracy Awards
PGA Announces Recipients of 18th Defender of Democracy Awards163.5 KB2013announcementenglish
Meeting Organized by Helmut Scholz: The Kampala Amendments on the Crime of Aggression
Meeting Organized by Helmut Scholz: The Kampala Amendments on the Crime of Aggression336.9 KB2013event-reportenglish
Declaración De Bogota (Dec. 2013)
Declaración De Bogota (Dec. 2013)143.3 KB2013declarationespanol
Carta de Delegación de Paz de las FARC-EP
Carta de Delegación de Paz de las FARC-EP19.7 KB2013letterespanol
Allocution De L'Honorable Upira Sunguma Kagimbi Dieudonne
Allocution De L’Honorable Upira Sunguma Kagimbi Dieudonne141 KB2013speechfrancais
Agenda: Décimo Quinto Aniversario De La Adopción Del Estatuto De Roma - Corte Penal Internacional
Agenda: Décimo Quinto Aniversario De La Adopción Del Estatuto De Roma – Corte Penal Internacional56.5 KB2013agendaespanol
Agenda: Current Challenges for the International Criminal Court
Agenda: Current Challenges for the International Criminal Court346.8 KB2012agendaenglish
List of Participants: Workshop on 'Legislators and the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) – A Vital Role'
List of Participants: Workshop on ‘Legislators and the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) – A Vital Role’115.8 KB2011list-of-participantsenglish
Participating Country Progress Reports - ICC Implementation
Participating Country Progress Reports – ICC Implementation96.8 KB2011newsenglish
The Impact Of Armed Violence On Development – Issues, Challenges And Parliamentary Solutions
The Impact Of Armed Violence On Development – Issues, Challenges And Parliamentary Solutions84.8 KB2011background-informationenglish
Statement made by Mr. Felipe Michelini MP (Uruguay) on behalf of the NGO Community to the 3rd ATT PrepCom at United Nations Headquarters in New York on 14 July, 2011
Statement made by Mr. Felipe Michelini MP (Uruguay) on behalf of the NGO Community to the 3rd ATT PrepCom at United Nations Headquarters in New York on 14 July, 2011324.6 KB2011speechenglish
Rome Statute and Impunity - Ramesh Lekhak
Rome Statute and Impunity – Ramesh Lekhak156.3 KB2011newsfrancais
Retreat on the Future of the International Criminal Court
Retreat on the Future of the International Criminal Court268.8 KB2011newsenglish
Report: PGA's 33rd Annual Forum, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Report: PGA’s 33rd Annual Forum, Colombo, Sri Lanka122.6 KB2011event-reportenglish
Reponse Form: PGA's 33rd Annual Forum (2011)
Reponse Form: PGA’s 33rd Annual Forum (2011)81.8 KB2011response-formenglish
Plan de Acción de Colombo
Plan de Acción de Colombo378.7 KB2011plan-of-actionenglish
Plan d'Action de Colombo (Oct. 2011)
Plan d’Action de Colombo (Oct. 2011)678 KB2011plan-of-actionenglish
PGA) pide la entrega inmediata de Saif al-Islam Gadafi y Abdulla Al Senussi a la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI)
PGA) pide la entrega inmediata de Saif al-Islam Gadafi y Abdulla Al Senussi a la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI)121.4 KB2011newsenglish
PGA UN Newsletter (Dec. 2011)
PGA UN Newsletter (Dec. 2011)516.5 KB2011newsletterenglish
PGA ICC Campaign Calendar and Targets (October 2011)
PGA ICC Campaign Calendar and Targets (October 2011)115.8 KB2011calendarenglish
PGA calls for the prompt surrender of Saif Al Islam Gaddafi and Abdullah Al Senussi to the International Criminal Court (ICC)
PGA calls for the prompt surrender of Saif Al Islam Gaddafi and Abdullah Al Senussi to the International Criminal Court (ICC)119.6 KB2011newsenglish
PGA appelle à la reddition rapide de Saif Al Islam Kadhafi et Abdullah Al Senoussi à la Cour pénale internationale (CPI)
PGA appelle à la reddition rapide de Saif Al Islam Kadhafi et Abdullah Al Senoussi à la Cour pénale internationale (CPI)171.2 KB2011newsenglish
Parliamentary Consultations on the Rule of Law & Justice in the Central African Republic (Oct. 2011)
Parliamentary Consultations on the Rule of Law & Justice in the Central African Republic (Oct. 2011)99.7 KB2011agendaenglish
Nytt uppdrag: Margareta Cederfeldt - Swedish Press
Nytt uppdrag: Margareta Cederfeldt – Swedish Press113.7 KB2011press-coverageenglish
Nepal News Article (Oct. 2011)
Nepal News Article (Oct. 2011)126.9 KB2011press-coverageenglish
List of Participants: PGA Annual Parliamentary Forum (Oct. 2011)
List of Participants: PGA Annual Parliamentary Forum (Oct. 2011)334.2 KB2011list-of-participantsenglish
Invitation: Side event and book launch on the Crime of Aggression (Dec. 2011)
Invitation: Side event and book launch on the Crime of Aggression (Dec. 2011)80.4 KB2011invitationenglish
Intervention by Mr. Kula Segaran, Member of Parliament of Malaysia
Intervention by Mr. Kula Segaran, Member of Parliament of Malaysia119.3 KB2011speechenglish
Formulaire d'Inscription (2011)
Formulaire d’Inscription (2011)128.9 KB2011membership-formenglish
Declaration De Bangui Pour La Justice Et L’Etat De Droit                                                                        
Declaration De Bangui Pour La Justice Et L’Etat De Droit                                                                        135.7 KB2011declarationenglish
Declaración Global Parlamentaria sobre el Tratado de Comercio de Armas
Declaración Global Parlamentaria sobre el Tratado de Comercio de Armas136.9 KB2011declarationdeutsch
Cooperation among all countries vital (Oct. 2011)
Cooperation among all countries vital (Oct. 2011)99.9 KB2011press-coverageenglish
Control Arms Parliamentary Declaration in Support of the Arms Trade Treaty
Control Arms Parliamentary Declaration in Support of the Arms Trade Treaty111 KB2011declarationenglish
Colombo Plan of Action (Oct. 2011)
Colombo Plan of Action (Oct. 2011)57.8 KB2011plan-of-actionenglish
Calendar: Rome Statute Campaign (2011-2012)
Calendar: Rome Statute Campaign (2011-2012)106.4 KB2011calendarenglish
Bangui Declaration For Justice And The Rule Of Law (Oct. 2011)
Bangui Declaration For Justice And The Rule Of Law (Oct. 2011)394.3 KB2011declarationenglish
Agenda: Strategic Consultations on the role of International Organisations in Enhancing Law Enforcement and State Cooperation with the ICC
Agenda: Strategic Consultations on the role of International Organisations in Enhancing Law Enforcement and State Cooperation with the ICC96.8 KB2011agendaenglish
Agenda: PGA's 33rd Annual Parliamentary Forum (Oct. 2011)
Agenda: PGA’s 33rd Annual Parliamentary Forum (Oct. 2011)222.3 KB2011agendaenglish
Agenda: Consultations sur la Justice et l’Etat de droit en République Centrafricaine
Agenda: Consultations sur la Justice et l’Etat de droit en République Centrafricaine170.6 KB2011agendaenglish
A Legal Gap? Getting the evidence where it can be found: Investigating and prosecuting international crimes
A Legal Gap? Getting the evidence where it can be found: Investigating and prosecuting international crimes268.1 KB2011event-reportenglish
Agenda: PGA mission to Kinshasa (DRC) (Sep. 2013)
Agenda: PGA mission to Kinshasa (DRC) (Sep. 2013)200.7 KB2013agendaenglish
Agenda : Mission de PGA à Kinshasa (RDC)
Agenda : Mission de PGA à Kinshasa (RDC)201.9 KB2013agendafrancais
List of Participants: Seminar on International Criminal Justice, Challenges for Domestic Prosecutions and Progammes for Victims' Access to Justice and Reparations
List of Participants: Seminar on International Criminal Justice, Challenges for Domestic Prosecutions and Progammes for Victims’ Access to Justice and Reparations305.8 KB2013list-of-participantsenglish
Background Document: Seminar on International Criminal Justice, Challenges for Domestic Prosecutions and Progammes for Victims' Access to Justice and Reparations
Background Document: Seminar on International Criminal Justice, Challenges for Domestic Prosecutions and Progammes for Victims’ Access to Justice and Reparations215.7 KB2013background-informationenglish
Agenda: Seminar On International Criminal Justice, Challenges For Domestic Prosecutions And Programmes For Victims’ Access To Justice And Reparations
Agenda: Seminar On International Criminal Justice, Challenges For Domestic Prosecutions And Programmes For Victims’ Access To Justice And Reparations233 KB2013agendaenglish
Reparations for Victims of Gross human rights violations in Uganda
Reparations for Victims of Gross human rights violations in Uganda149.2 KB2013speechenglish
Speech by Ms. Jane Adong Anywar - Seminar on international criminal justice
Speech by Ms. Jane Adong Anywar – Seminar on international criminal justice254 KB2013speechenglish
PGA Urges Immediate Release of Khalil Al Marzooq, held as prisoner of conscience in Bahrain
PGA Urges Immediate Release of Khalil Al Marzooq, held as prisoner of conscience in Bahrain108.9 KB2013newsenglish
Petition for the Immediate Release of Khalil Almarzooq in Bahrain
Petition for the Immediate Release of Khalil Almarzooq in Bahrain57.3 KB2013newsenglish
Human Rights Council Resolution on Child, Early and Forced Marriage (Sep. 2013)
Human Rights Council Resolution on Child, Early and Forced Marriage (Sep. 2013)124.9 KB2013resolutionenglish
Call for Action for the Release of Mr. Khalil Al Marzooq
Call for Action for the Release of Mr. Khalil Al Marzooq234.4 KB2013newsenglish
PGA Welcomes Additional Signatures and Ratifications of the Arms Trade Treaty by Large Number of UN Member States
PGA Welcomes Additional Signatures and Ratifications of the Arms Trade Treaty by Large Number of UN Member States121.2 KB2013newsenglish
Bahreîn. Un éminent membre de l'opposition bahreïnite emprisonné
Bahreîn. Un éminent membre de l’opposition bahreïnite emprisonné81.5 KB2013newsfrancais
List of Participants: Décimo Quinto Aniversario De La Adopción Del Estatuto De Roma - Corte Penal Internacional
List of Participants: Décimo Quinto Aniversario De La Adopción Del Estatuto De Roma – Corte Penal Internacional31.8 KB2013list-of-participantsespanol
Agenda: Décimo Quinto Aniversario De La Adopción Del Estatuto De Roma - Corte Penal Internacional
Agenda: Décimo Quinto Aniversario De La Adopción Del Estatuto De Roma – Corte Penal Internacional121.1 KB2013newsespanol
Situation in the Republic of Kenya
Situation in the Republic of Kenya323.9 KB2013newsenglish
PGA Deeply Dismayed At Assassination Of Leading Opposition Member Of Parliament In Tunisia
PGA Deeply Dismayed At Assassination Of Leading Opposition Member Of Parliament In Tunisia184.7 KB2013newsenglish
PGA Profondement Consternee Par L’assassinat Du Depute Leader De L’opposition En Tunisie
PGA Profondement Consternee Par L’assassinat Du Depute Leader De L’opposition En Tunisie97.6 KB2013newsfrancais
PGA/RDC milite pour la creation des chambres specialisees et la mise en oeuvre du statut de Rome
PGA/RDC milite pour la creation des chambres specialisees et la mise en oeuvre du statut de Rome375.3 KB2013press-coveragefrancais
PGA Statement on Human Rights Violations against Chadian PGA Members
PGA Statement on Human Rights Violations against Chadian PGA Members119.7 KB2013newsenglish
L’Action Mondiale des Parlementaires renouvelle sa profonde inquiétude face aux violations continues des droits de l’Homme à l’encontre des parlementaires et des représentants de la société civile au Tchad
L’Action Mondiale des Parlementaires renouvelle sa profonde inquiétude face aux violations continues des droits de l’Homme à l’encontre des parlementaires et des représentants de la société civile au Tchad115.8 KB2013newsfrancais
Communiqué on the occasion of the Day of International Criminal Justice
Communiqué on the occasion of the Day of International Criminal Justice55.2 KB2013newsenglish
List of Participants: Strategic Meeting of PGA’s Executive Committee
List of Participants: Strategic Meeting of PGA’s Executive Committee59.2 KB2013list-of-participantsenglish
Agenda: Strategic Meeting of PGA’s Executive Committee
Agenda: Strategic Meeting of PGA’s Executive Committee120.6 KB2013agendaenglish
ICC Decision Regarding Omar Al-Bashir's Visit to the Federal Republic of Nigeria
ICC Decision Regarding Omar Al-Bashir’s Visit to the Federal Republic of Nigeria353.4 KB2013newsenglish
Anfrage der Abgeordneten Petra Bayr und Genossinnen
Anfrage der Abgeordneten Petra Bayr und Genossinnen21.2 KB2013newsenglish
Regional Conferences on Population and Development – ICPD Agenda Beyond 2014
Regional Conferences on Population and Development – ICPD Agenda Beyond 2014359.9 KB2013newsenglish
Exposé de la VPRS à l’ occasion de l’atelier organisé par REDRESS à Bunia
Exposé de la VPRS à l’ occasion de l’atelier organisé par REDRESS à Bunia422.8 KB2013speechfrancais
Allocution de S.E.M. Jean-Michel DUMOND
Allocution de S.E.M. Jean-Michel DUMOND199.1 KB2013speechfrancais
Convención Interamericana Contra Toda Forma De Discriminación E Intolerancia
Convención Interamericana Contra Toda Forma De Discriminación E Intolerancia32.5 KB2013newsespanol
Agenda: Seminar for Parliamentarians on measures to implement the principle of complementarity between national courts and the ICC
Agenda: Seminar for Parliamentarians on measures to implement the principle of complementarity between national courts and the ICC242.3 KB2013agendaenglish
Séminaire à l'attention des Parlementaires sur les mesures à prendre pour mettre en oeuvre le principe de la complémentarité entre les juridictions nationales et la CPI
Séminaire à l’attention des Parlementaires sur les mesures à prendre pour mettre en oeuvre le principe de la complémentarité entre les juridictions nationales et la CPI175.1 KB2013agendafrancais
Allocution de Aubin Minaku
Allocution de Aubin Minaku375.4 KB2013speechfrancais
Allocution de M. Alain Destexhe, Député (Belgique)
Allocution de M. Alain Destexhe, Député (Belgique)207.2 KB2013speechfrancais
Statement By Ms. Katja Keul, Mp, Secretary Of Coalition 90/the Greens On The Occasion Of The Unanimous Ratification Of The Arms Trade Treaty By The German Parliament
Statement By Ms. Katja Keul, Mp, Secretary Of Coalition 90/the Greens On The Occasion Of The Unanimous Ratification Of The Arms Trade Treaty By The German Parliament81.7 KB2013newsenglish
Senado de Uruguay ratifica enmiendas de Kampala al Estatuto de Roma
Senado de Uruguay ratifica enmiendas de Kampala al Estatuto de Roma1.3 MB2013government-publicationespanol
Letter to Mr Otto Pérez Molina, President of the Republic of Guatemala
Letter to Mr Otto Pérez Molina, President of the Republic of Guatemala135.2 KB2013letterenglish
Carta a Señor Otto Pérez Molina, Presidente de la República de Guatemala
Carta a Señor Otto Pérez Molina, Presidente de la República de Guatemala107.9 KB2013letterespanol
Letter to G8 Foreign Ministers re: Declaration on Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict
Letter to G8 Foreign Ministers re: Declaration on Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict431.6 KB2013letterenglish
Lettre aux Ministres du G8
Lettre aux Ministres du G8159.2 KB2013letterfrancais
FAQ sobre el TCA
FAQ sobre el TCA105.1 KB2013newsfrancais
PGA Welcomes Large Number of UN Member State Signatories to Arms Trade Treaty
PGA Welcomes Large Number of UN Member State Signatories to Arms Trade Treaty133.2 KB2013newsenglish
Germany and Botswana Ratify Kampala Amendments to Rome Statute of the ICC
Germany and Botswana Ratify Kampala Amendments to Rome Statute of the ICC150.4 KB2013newsenglish
Conference: The European Union and the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty
Conference: The European Union and the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty577.5 KB2013invitationenglish
PGA Regional Parliamentary Workshop on The Arms Trade Treaty – The Role of Parliamentarians
PGA Regional Parliamentary Workshop on The Arms Trade Treaty – The Role of Parliamentarians121.4 KB2013newsenglish
Plan of Action: PGA Regional Parliamentary Workshop on The Arms Trade Treaty – The Role of Parliamentarians
Plan of Action: PGA Regional Parliamentary Workshop on The Arms Trade Treaty – The Role of Parliamentarians131.8 KB2013plan-of-actionenglish
Plan d'Action: PGA Regional Parliamentary Workshop on The Arms Trade Treaty – The Role of Parliamentarians
Plan d’Action: PGA Regional Parliamentary Workshop on The Arms Trade Treaty – The Role of Parliamentarians123.5 KB2013plan-of-actionfrancais
List of Participants: PGA Regional Parliamentary Workshop on The Arms Trade Treaty – The Role of Parliamentarians
List of Participants: PGA Regional Parliamentary Workshop on The Arms Trade Treaty – The Role of Parliamentarians138.7 KB2013list-of-participantsenglish
Agenda: PGA Regional Parliamentary Workshop on The Arms Trade Treaty – The Role of Parliamentarians
Agenda: PGA Regional Parliamentary Workshop on The Arms Trade Treaty – The Role of Parliamentarians128.6 KB2013agendaenglish
Mesa de Discusión Siria y Tratado de Comercio de Armas
Mesa de Discusión Siria y Tratado de Comercio de Armas88.1 KB2013newsenglish
Announcement: Side-Event at the 12th Session of the Assembly of States Parties
Announcement: Side-Event at the 12th Session of the Assembly of States Parties116.6 KB2013announcementenglish
Sitting Heads of State on Trial: A Leap Forward for the ICC or the Beginning of the End?
Sitting Heads of State on Trial: A Leap Forward for the ICC or the Beginning of the End?104.8 KB2013agendaenglish
PGA calls for Urgent Action in the Central African Republic (Nov. 2013)
PGA calls for Urgent Action in the Central African Republic (Nov. 2013)143 KB2013newsenglish
PGA appelle à une Action Urgente en République centrafricaine (Nov. 2013)
PGA appelle à une Action Urgente en République centrafricaine (Nov. 2013)138.3 KB2013newsfrancais
Contribution by Baroness Vivien Stern (Nov. 2013)
Contribution by Baroness Vivien Stern (Nov. 2013)79.1 KB2013speechenglish
Speech by Juliette Mbambu Mughole (Nov. 2013)
Speech by Juliette Mbambu Mughole (Nov. 2013)122.8 KB2013speechenglish
Allocution De L’Honorable Juliette Mbambu Mughole
Allocution De L’Honorable Juliette Mbambu Mughole125.1 KB2013speechfrancais
Situación del Proceso del Estatuto de Roma de América Latina
Situación del Proceso del Estatuto de Roma de América Latina44.9 KB2013newsenglish
Statement by Senator Jim Walsh following the adoption of the Motion Approving the Arms Trade Treaty By The lrish Parliament
Statement by Senator Jim Walsh following the adoption of the Motion Approving the Arms Trade Treaty By The lrish Parliament56 KB2013statementenglish
Concept Note: Twelfth session of the Assembly of States Parties
Concept Note: Twelfth session of the Assembly of States Parties178.6 KB2013background-informationenglish
Presentacion: Dr. Víctor Terrero Encarnación
Presentacion: Dr. Víctor Terrero Encarnación1.7 MB2013presentationespanol
Resolution on Violence and Human Rights Violation against Persons on the Basis of their Imputed or Real Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Africa
Resolution on Violence and Human Rights Violation against Persons on the Basis of their Imputed or Real Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Africa84 KB2013resolutionenglish
List of Participants: Addressing HIV/AIDS
List of Participants: Addressing HIV/AIDS427.3 KB2013list-of-participantsenglish
Agenda - Protecting Human Rights, Combating Discrimination and Addressing HIV/AIDS of Persons with Diverse Sexual Orientation and Gender Identities
Agenda – Protecting Human Rights, Combating Discrimination and Addressing HIV/AIDS of Persons with Diverse Sexual Orientation and Gender Identities398.7 KB2013agendaenglish
Agenda: Seminario Parlamentario, Republica Dominicana
Agenda: Seminario Parlamentario, Republica Dominicana397.9 KB2013agendaespanol
Presentation by Norma García De Paredes
Presentation by Norma García De Paredes687 KB2013presentationespanol
Midrand Communique - Joint Committee Session on the Arms Trade Treaty (Oct. 2013)
Midrand Communique – Joint Committee Session on the Arms Trade Treaty (Oct. 2013)276.8 KB2013communiqueenglish
List of Participants: Joint Session on the Arms Trade Treaty (Oct. 2013)
List of Participants: Joint Session on the Arms Trade Treaty (Oct. 2013)156.6 KB2013list-of-participantsenglish
Agenda: Joint Session on the Arms Trade Treaty (Oct. 2013)
Agenda: Joint Session on the Arms Trade Treaty (Oct. 2013)169.3 KB2013agendaenglish
Ten Fundamental Ideas about SOGIE for Parliamentarians
Ten Fundamental Ideas about SOGIE for Parliamentarians360.5 KB2013speechenglish
Presentaction: Bethania Betances
Presentaction: Bethania Betances1.1 MB2013presentationespanol
Annual Forum: Building a stable and durable peace: the role of Parliamentarians in support of peace processes
Annual Forum: Building a stable and durable peace: the role of Parliamentarians in support of peace processes131.7 KB2013invitationenglish
Invitation to 35th Annual Parliamentary Forum
Invitation to 35th Annual Parliamentary Forum117.7 KB2013invitationenglish
Invitation Forum Parlementaire Annuel (Oct. 2013)
Invitation Forum Parlementaire Annuel (Oct. 2013)130.2 KB2013invitationfrancais
Invitacion Al Foro Anual Parlamentario (Oct. 2013)
Invitacion Al Foro Anual Parlamentario (Oct. 2013)127.6 KB2013invitationespanol
Outcome Document of PGA Kampala Seminar on Complementarity
Outcome Document of PGA Kampala Seminar on Complementarity141.7 KB2013newsenglish
The ICC and ICD - a presentation by Joan Kagezi
The ICC and ICD – a presentation by Joan Kagezi71.3 KB2013speechenglish
Keynote Address by Mr. Adama Dieng
Keynote Address by Mr. Adama Dieng165.8 KB2013speechenglish
Parlamentarios enfrentarán la discriminación
Parlamentarios enfrentarán la discriminación711 KB2013press-coverageenglish
Santo Domingo Plan of Action
Santo Domingo Plan of Action80.9 KB2013plan-of-actionenglish
Plan de Acción de Santo Domingo
Plan de Acción de Santo Domingo209.6 KB2013plan-of-actionespanol
Parlamentarios lanzan la Red Global de Aliados para Combatir la Discriminación contra Personas GLBT
Parlamentarios lanzan la Red Global de Aliados para Combatir la Discriminación contra Personas GLBT189.4 KB2013newsespanol
Support for the ICC at African Union (AU) summit in October 2013
Support for the ICC at African Union (AU) summit in October 201334.9 KB2013letterenglish
Soutien à la CPI au sommet de l’Union Africaine (UA) le 11 et 12 octobre 2013`
Soutien à la CPI au sommet de l’Union Africaine (UA) le 11 et 12 octobre 2013`31.6 KB2013letterfrancais
Letter of PGA to H.M. Shaikh Hamad bin ‘Issa Al Khalifa
Letter of PGA to H.M. Shaikh Hamad bin ‘Issa Al Khalifa277 KB2013letterenglish
List of Participants: Seminar for Parliamentarians on measures to implement the principle of complementarity between national courts and the ICC
List of Participants: Seminar for Parliamentarians on measures to implement the principle of complementarity between national courts and the ICC380.8 KB2013list-of-participantsenglish
Liste des Participants : Séminaire des parlementaires sur les mesures pour mettre en oeuvre le principe de la complémentarité entre les juridictions nationales et la CPI
Liste des Participants : Séminaire des parlementaires sur les mesures pour mettre en oeuvre le principe de la complémentarité entre les juridictions nationales et la CPI350.4 KB2013list-of-participantsfrancais
Consultations sur la lutte contre l'impunité et la mise en oeuvre du principe de omplémentarité
Consultations sur la lutte contre l’impunité et la mise en oeuvre du principe de omplémentarité82.4 KB2013newsfrancais
PGA Programme of Work 2013-1996
PGA Programme of Work 2013-1996201.6 KB2013programme-of-workenglish
Previous Recipients of PGA's Defender of Democracy Award
Previous Recipients of PGA’s Defender of Democracy Award104 KB2013background-informationenglish
Inter-American Convention Against All Forms of Discrimination and Intolerance
Inter-American Convention Against All Forms of Discrimination and Intolerance109.1 KB2013newsenglish
PGA Parliamentary Handbook - Promoting Signature, Ratification and Implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty
PGA Parliamentary Handbook – Promoting Signature, Ratification and Implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty1.1 MB2013handbookenglish
PGA Parliamentary Handbook (Chinese)
PGA Parliamentary Handbook (Chinese)178.3 KB2013handbookchinese
Парламентское руководство Оказание содействия в подписании, ратификации и реализации Международного договора о торговле оружием При консультациях с организацией
Парламентское руководство Оказание содействия в подписании, ратификации и реализации Международного договора о торговле оружием При консультациях с организацией881.7 KB2013handbookrussian
Guide Parlementaire: Promouvoir la Signature, La Ratification et la Mise en Oeuvre du Traité sur le Commerce des Armes
Guide Parlementaire: Promouvoir la Signature, La Ratification et la Mise en Oeuvre du Traité sur le Commerce des Armes952.8 KB2013handbookfrancais
Manual Parlamentario para promover la Firma, Ratificación e Implementación del Tratado sobre el Comercio de Armas
Manual Parlamentario para promover la Firma, Ratificación e Implementación del Tratado sobre el Comercio de Armas714.6 KB2013handbookespanol
PGA Parliamentary Handbook (Arabic) Promoting Signature, Ratification and Implementation of the Arms Trade Tready
PGA Parliamentary Handbook (Arabic) Promoting Signature, Ratification and Implementation of the Arms Trade Tready911.9 KB2013handbookarabic
The Evolution of International Criminal Law and the International Criminal Court in Context
The Evolution of International Criminal Law and the International Criminal Court in Context162.5 KB2013newsenglish
Eight Actions MPs Can Take to Eliminate and Prevent All Forms of Violence Against Women and Girls
Eight Actions MPs Can Take to Eliminate and Prevent All Forms of Violence Against Women and Girls111.6 KB2013newsenglish
Nomination for PGA’s 18th Annual Defender of Democracy Award
Nomination for PGA’s 18th Annual Defender of Democracy Award83.7 KB2013nomination-formenglish
Arms Trade Treaty in the Media
Arms Trade Treaty in the Media79.7 KB2013press-coverageenglish
PGA Parliamentary Tool Kit on the Arms Trade Treaty
PGA Parliamentary Tool Kit on the Arms Trade Treaty703.4 KB2013toolkitenglish
Boite A Outils De Pga Pour Les Parlementaires Sur Le Traite Sur Le Commerce Des Armes
Boite A Outils De Pga Pour Les Parlementaires Sur Le Traite Sur Le Commerce Des Armes697.4 KB2013toolkitfrancais
Caja De Herramientas Parlamentaria Para El Tratado Sobre El Comercio De Armas
Caja De Herramientas Parlamentaria Para El Tratado Sobre El Comercio De Armas724.5 KB2013toolkitespanol
Palabras pronunciadas en la comisión de D.D.H.H del Parlatino por el Presidente de dicha comisión, congresista Oscar Alfaro Zamonar
Palabras pronunciadas en la comisión de D.D.H.H del Parlatino por el Presidente de dicha comisión, congresista Oscar Alfaro Zamonar63.2 KB2013speechespanol
Action Plan for expediting the criminal process of the International Criminal Court
Action Plan for expediting the criminal process of the International Criminal Court67.3 KB2013plan-of-actionenglish
Presentation by Senator Jim Walsh 35th Annual Forum of the Parliamentarians for Global Action
Presentation by Senator Jim Walsh 35th Annual Forum of the Parliamentarians for Global Action111.5 KB2013speechenglish
Letter Of Support For The Peace Process In Colombia
Letter Of Support For The Peace Process In Colombia597.1 KB2013letterenglish
Lettre De Soutien Au Processus De Paix En Colombie
Lettre De Soutien Au Processus De Paix En Colombie592.8 KB2013letterfrancais
Carta De Apoyo Al Proceso De Paz En Colombia
Carta De Apoyo Al Proceso De Paz En Colombia576.7 KB2013letterespanol
Remarks by Felipe Michellini
Remarks by Felipe Michellini409.1 KB2013speechenglish
Speech: Alfaro Zamora (2013)
Speech: Alfaro Zamora (2013)157 KB2013speechenglish
Registration Form – ANNUAL FORUM OF PARLIAMENTARIANS FOR GLOBAL ACTION131.3 KB2013registration-formenglish
Formulaire D'Inscription - Forum Annuel De L'Action Mondiale des Parlementaires
Formulaire D’Inscription – Forum Annuel De L’Action Mondiale des Parlementaires135.8 KB2013registration-formfrancais
Formulario de Registro - Foro Anual de PGA (35ta sesion) (Dec. 2013)
Formulario de Registro – Foro Anual de PGA (35ta sesion) (Dec. 2013)126.9 KB2013registration-formespanol
Information Note (self-funded) - 35th Annual Parliamentary Forum
Information Note (self-funded) – 35th Annual Parliamentary Forum168 KB2013logistical-noteenglish
Informations logistiques (autofinancement) - 35 ème FORUM PARLEMENTAIRE ANNUEL DE L’ACTION MONDIALE DES PARLEMENTAIRES
Informations logistiques (autofinancement) – 35 ème FORUM PARLEMENTAIRE ANNUEL DE L’ACTION MONDIALE DES PARLEMENTAIRES164.2 KB2013logistical-notefrancais
Nota Informativa – 35TO FORO ANUAL PARLAMENTARIO DE ACCIÓN MUNDIAL DE PARLAMENTARIOS170.5 KB2013logistical-noteespanol
List of Participants: 35th Annual Parliamentary Forum (Dec. 2013)
List of Participants: 35th Annual Parliamentary Forum (Dec. 2013)269.3 KB2013list-of-participantsenglish
PGA's 35th Annual Parliamentary forum, Colombia
PGA’s 35th Annual Parliamentary forum, Colombia158.3 KB2013brochureenglish
Forum Annuel De L’action Mondiale Des Parlementaires - 35eme Session
Forum Annuel De L’action Mondiale Des Parlementaires – 35eme Session147.9 KB2013brochurefrancais
Foro Anual De Acción Mundial De Parlamentarios - 35o Periodo de Sesiones
Foro Anual De Acción Mundial De Parlamentarios – 35o Periodo de Sesiones162.6 KB2013brochureespanol
Agenda: PGA's 35th Annual Parliamentary forum, Colombia
Agenda: PGA’s 35th Annual Parliamentary forum, Colombia172.9 KB2013agendaenglish
Agenda: Forum Annuel De L’action Mondiale Des Parlementaires - 35eme Session
Agenda: Forum Annuel De L’action Mondiale Des Parlementaires – 35eme Session246.3 KB2013agendafrancais
Agenda: Foro Anual De Acción Mundial De Parlamentarios - 35o Periodo de Sesiones
Agenda: Foro Anual De Acción Mundial De Parlamentarios – 35o Periodo de Sesiones175.3 KB2013agendaespanol
Bogota Declaration (Dec. 2013)
Bogota Declaration (Dec. 2013)140 KB2013declarationenglish
Declaration De Bogota (Dec. 2013)
Declaration De Bogota (Dec. 2013)145.8 KB2013declarationfrancais
List of Participants: PGA Delegation Fact-Finding Field Excursion to Northern Sri Lanka (Oct. 2011)
List of Participants: PGA Delegation Fact-Finding Field Excursion to Northern Sri Lanka (Oct. 2011)33.8 KB2011list-of-participantsenglish
Agenda: Visit of Hon. Lord George Foulkes to Sri Lanka (Oct. 2011)
Agenda: Visit of Hon. Lord George Foulkes to Sri Lanka (Oct. 2011)41.8 KB2011agendaenglish
L'Action Mondiale des Parlementaires renforce les capacites des parlementaires centrafricains
L’Action Mondiale des Parlementaires renforce les capacites des parlementaires centrafricains374.7 KB2011newsenglish
Declaration de Bangui pour la Justice et L'Etat de Droit
Declaration de Bangui pour la Justice et L’Etat de Droit264.7 KB2011declarationenglish
Cape Verde joins the International Criminal Court (Oct. 2011)
Cape Verde joins the International Criminal Court (Oct. 2011)180.9 KB2011newsenglish
Speech: Ms. Pindi Chana, MP (Tanzania) (13 October 2011)
Speech: Ms. Pindi Chana, MP (Tanzania) (13 October 2011)169.1 KB2011speechenglish
Speech: Mr. Mountaga Tall, MP (Mali) (14 Oct. 2011)
Speech: Mr. Mountaga Tall, MP (Mali) (14 Oct. 2011)378.7 KB2011speechenglish
Speech Ms. Margaret Vogt, Special Representative of the UN Secretary General and Head of the Integrated Office of the UN in CAR (BINUCA)
Speech Ms. Margaret Vogt, Special Representative of the UN Secretary General and Head of the Integrated Office of the UN in CAR (BINUCA)678 KB2011speechenglish
Speech: S.E. Jan Grauls (14 October 2011)
Speech: S.E. Jan Grauls (14 October 2011)121.4 KB2011speechenglish
Speech: Harry van Bommel MP (13 October 2011)
Speech: Harry van Bommel MP (13 October 2011)111.7 KB2011speechenglish
Liste des Participants: Consultations sur la Justice et l’Etat de droit en République Centrafricaine
Liste des Participants: Consultations sur la Justice et l’Etat de droit en République Centrafricaine243.5 KB2011list-of-participantsfrancais
Agenda: Mesa Redonda De Implementación Del Estatuto De Roma De La Corte Penal Internacional
Agenda: Mesa Redonda De Implementación Del Estatuto De Roma De La Corte Penal Internacional165.7 KB2011agendaenglish
PGA UN Newsletter (Sep. 2011)
PGA UN Newsletter (Sep. 2011)134.5 KB2011newsletterenglish
The Maldives Accedes to the Rome Statute of the ICC becoming 118th State Party
The Maldives Accedes to the Rome Statute of the ICC becoming 118th State Party110.1 KB2011newsenglish
Agenda: PGA Nepal Parliamentary Delegation Visit to The Hague, Netherlands
Agenda: PGA Nepal Parliamentary Delegation Visit to The Hague, Netherlands115.4 KB2011agendaenglish
Senate of the Philippines gives its concurrence to International Criminal Court Ratification Bill
Senate of the Philippines gives its concurrence to International Criminal Court Ratification Bill157.5 KB2011newsenglish
PGA Statement on the Situation in Libya
PGA Statement on the Situation in Libya142.3 KB2011newsenglish
Presentación del Sr. Felipe Michelini, Legislador (3rd ATT PrepCom) (Jul. 2011)
Presentación del Sr. Felipe Michelini, Legislador (3rd ATT PrepCom) (Jul. 2011)173.4 KB2011speechespanol
Third ATT Prepcom Starts With Strong Parliamentary Support (Jul. 2011)
Third ATT Prepcom Starts With Strong Parliamentary Support (Jul. 2011)98.3 KB2011newsenglish
Presentations by Control Arms Coaltion (Aug. 2011)
Presentations by Control Arms Coaltion (Aug. 2011)516.5 KB2011speechenglish
Calendar and Targets: PGA ICC Campaign (Aug. 2011)
Calendar and Targets: PGA ICC Campaign (Aug. 2011)159.5 KB2011calendarenglish
PGA UN Newsletter (July 2011)
PGA UN Newsletter (July 2011)108.3 KB2011newsletterenglish
Commonwealth Law Ministers adopt revised Model Law to Implement the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court in the 54 Member Countries of the Commonwealth
Commonwealth Law Ministers adopt revised Model Law to Implement the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court in the 54 Member Countries of the Commonwealth107.6 KB2011newsenglish
Presentación del Sr. Felipe Michelini, Legislador - 3rd ATT PrepCom at United Nations Headquarters in New York on 14 July, 2011
Presentación del Sr. Felipe Michelini, Legislador – 3rd ATT PrepCom at United Nations Headquarters in New York on 14 July, 2011153.9 KB2011speechespanol
List of Participants: Workshop on ‘Legislators and the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) – A Vital Role’
List of Participants: Workshop on ‘Legislators and the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) – A Vital Role’115.8 KB2011list-of-participantsenglish
Speech: Legislators and the Arms Trade Treaty - A Vital Role - Dr. Ruth Wijdenbosch MP (Jul. 2011)
Speech: Legislators and the Arms Trade Treaty – A Vital Role – Dr. Ruth Wijdenbosch MP (Jul. 2011)62.6 KB2011speechenglish
List of Participants: Workshop - Legislators and the Arms Trade Treaty (Jul. 2011)
List of Participants: Workshop – Legislators and the Arms Trade Treaty (Jul. 2011)73 KB2011list-of-participantsenglish
Agenda: Legislators and the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) – A Vital Role (12 July 2011)
Agenda: Legislators and the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) – A Vital Role (12 July 2011)103.6 KB2011agendaenglish
Dutch Member Of Parliament Coskun Cörüz Elected As Human Rights Rapporteur Of The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
Dutch Member Of Parliament Coskun Cörüz Elected As Human Rights Rapporteur Of The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly119.6 KB2011newsenglish
Third ATT Prepcom Starts with Strong Parliamentary Support
Third ATT Prepcom Starts with Strong Parliamentary Support94.4 KB2011newsenglish
Background Information Paper for Members of Parliaments (MPs): The Relationship of the US with States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC)
Background Information Paper for Members of Parliaments (MPs): The Relationship of the US with States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC)171.2 KB2011background-informationenglish
PGA UN Newsletter (Jun. 2011)
PGA UN Newsletter (Jun. 2011)124.2 KB2011newsletterenglish
Tunisia Accedes To The Rome Statute Of The International Criminal Court (ICC)
Tunisia Accedes To The Rome Statute Of The International Criminal Court (ICC)99.7 KB2011newsenglish
Parliamentarians for Global Action welcome the Maldives as the prospective 116th State Party to the Rome Statute of the ICC
Parliamentarians for Global Action welcome the Maldives as the prospective 116th State Party to the Rome Statute of the ICC113.7 KB2011newsenglish
Dr. Ruth Wijdenbosch Takes Over As Acting-president Of PGA (Jun. 2011)
Dr. Ruth Wijdenbosch Takes Over As Acting-president Of PGA (Jun. 2011)126.9 KB2011newsenglish
International Non-Aggression and the Lawful Use of Force (Implementation of Amendment to the Statute of Rome) Bill
International Non-Aggression and the Lawful Use of Force (Implementation of Amendment to the Statute of Rome) Bill267.7 KB2012newsenglish
Call for Intern (Fall-Winter 2012)
Call for Intern (Fall-Winter 2012)262.2 KB2012vacancyenglish
Global Parliamentarian Declaration on the Arms Trade Treaty
Global Parliamentarian Declaration on the Arms Trade Treaty428.6 KB2012declarationenglish
List of Signatories: Global Parliamentarian Declaration on the Arms Trade Treaty (2,048 Signatories from 96 Countries Worldwide)
List of Signatories: Global Parliamentarian Declaration on the Arms Trade Treaty (2,048 Signatories from 96 Countries Worldwide)116 KB2012list-of-signatoriesenglish
Crimes Against Humanity, War Crimes, Genocide and Related Offences Bill (2012)
Crimes Against Humanity, War Crimes, Genocide and Related Offences Bill (2012)567.4 KB2012newsenglish
Arms Sale Responsibility Act of 2012
Arms Sale Responsibility Act of 2012338.8 KB2012newsenglish
Registration Form: CAP-ICC, 7th Session (2012)
Registration Form: CAP-ICC, 7th Session (2012)129.2 KB2012registration-formenglish
Formulaire D’Inscription : CAP-ICC, 7eme session
Formulaire D’Inscription : CAP-ICC, 7eme session126.5 KB2012registration-formfrancais
Formato De Registro: CAP-ICC 7a Sesión
Formato De Registro: CAP-ICC 7a Sesión126.9 KB2012registration-formespanol
List of Participants: 7th Consultative Assembly Of Parliamentarians For The International Criminal Court (ICC) And The Rule Of Law
List of Participants: 7th Consultative Assembly Of Parliamentarians For The International Criminal Court (ICC) And The Rule Of Law304.6 KB2012list-of-participantsenglish
7th Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the International Crminal Court and the Rule of Law
7th Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the International Crminal Court and the Rule of Law246.7 KB2012brochureenglish
7eme Session de L'Assemblee Consultative des Parlementaires pour la Cour Penale Internationale el L'Etat de Droit
7eme Session de L’Assemblee Consultative des Parlementaires pour la Cour Penale Internationale el L’Etat de Droit187.4 KB2012brochurefrancais
7a Asamblea Consultiva de Parlamentarios por la Corte Penal Internacional y el Estato de Derecho
7a Asamblea Consultiva de Parlamentarios por la Corte Penal Internacional y el Estato de Derecho198.3 KB2012brochureespanol
Agenda: 7th Consultative Assembly Of Parliamentarians For The International Criminal Court (Icc) And The Rule Of Law
Agenda: 7th Consultative Assembly Of Parliamentarians For The International Criminal Court (Icc) And The Rule Of Law281.7 KB2012agendaenglish
Agenda: Vii Assemblea Parlamentare Consultiva Per La Corte Penale Internazionale E Lo Stato Di Diritto
Agenda: Vii Assemblea Parlamentare Consultiva Per La Corte Penale Internazionale E Lo Stato Di Diritto290.5 KB2012agendaitaliano
Agenda: Assemblée Consultative Des Parlementaires Pour La Cour Pénale Internationale (CPI) Et L’etat De Droit, 7 Ième Session
Agenda: Assemblée Consultative Des Parlementaires Pour La Cour Pénale Internationale (CPI) Et L’etat De Droit, 7 Ième Session255.9 KB2012agendafrancais
Agenda: 7ma Asamblea Consultiva De Parlamentariospor La Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) Y El Estado De Derecho
Agenda: 7ma Asamblea Consultiva De Parlamentariospor La Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) Y El Estado De Derecho285.4 KB2012agendaespanol
Statement of Hon Boubacar Diarra concerning the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 2085 (2012)
Statement of Hon Boubacar Diarra concerning the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 2085 (2012)115 KB2012newsfrancais
Roundtable at the European Parliament on the International Criminal Court (Jun. 2011)
Roundtable at the European Parliament on the International Criminal Court (Jun. 2011)222.4 KB2011event-reportenglish
List of Participants: Roundtable at the European Parliament on the International Criminal Court and the European Union (Jun. 2011)
List of Participants: Roundtable at the European Parliament on the International Criminal Court and the European Union (Jun. 2011)135.9 KB2011list-of-participantsenglish
Roundtable at the European Parliament on the International Criminal Court and the European Union
Roundtable at the European Parliament on the International Criminal Court and the European Union107.2 KB2011agendaenglish
Speech by Barbara Lochbihler: The EP Contribution to the Fight Against Impunity Worldwide Through EU Policies
Speech by Barbara Lochbihler: The EP Contribution to the Fight Against Impunity Worldwide Through EU Policies107.3 KB2011speechenglish
PGA UN Newsletter (May 2011)
PGA UN Newsletter (May 2011)135.6 KB2011newsletterenglish
Invitation : réunion conjointe du Groupe parlementaire pour les droits humains, du Groupe parlementaire Cairo+
Invitation : réunion conjointe du Groupe parlementaire pour les droits humains, du Groupe parlementaire Cairo+151.8 KB2011invitationfrancais
Einladung: einem gemeinsamen Treffen der parlamentarischen Gruppen für Menschenrechte und Kairo+
Einladung: einem gemeinsamen Treffen der parlamentarischen Gruppen für Menschenrechte und Kairo+113.6 KB2011invitationdeutsch
List of Participants: Roundtable on the Fight Against Impunity in the Democratic Republic of Congo - Sexual Violence in Conflict Situations
List of Participants: Roundtable on the Fight Against Impunity in the Democratic Republic of Congo – Sexual Violence in Conflict Situations83.9 KB2011list-of-participantsenglish
Speech: Honorable Muhima Bintu Sabine (31 mai 2011)
Speech: Honorable Muhima Bintu Sabine (31 mai 2011)334.2 KB2011speechenglish
PGA Welcomes the Arrest of General Radko Mladic (May 2011)
PGA Welcomes the Arrest of General Radko Mladic (May 2011)112.5 KB2011newsenglish
A new response to a changing Neighbourhood
A new response to a changing Neighbourhood98.3 KB2011newsenglish
Grenada Becomes 115th State Party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
Grenada Becomes 115th State Party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court98 KB2011newsenglish
Report: PGA Side Meeting to the 19th commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) (May 2011)
Report: PGA Side Meeting to the 19th commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) (May 2011)80.4 KB2011event-reportenglish
Agenda: Side Meeting to the 19th Commission on the Sustainable Development (CSD) (May 2011)
Agenda: Side Meeting to the 19th Commission on the Sustainable Development (CSD) (May 2011)126.6 KB2011agendaenglish
Programa: Por una sociedad de iguales (May 2011)
Programa: Por una sociedad de iguales (May 2011)469.3 KB2011agendaespanol
2009 Membership Information Form
2009 Membership Information Form61.2 KB2009membership-formenglish
Formulaire d'Inscription (2009)
Formulaire d’Inscription (2009)38.7 KB2009membership-formfrancais
Response Form: PGA's 31st Annual Forum (2009)
Response Form: PGA’s 31st Annual Forum (2009)107.6 KB2009response-formenglish
PGA ICC Campaign Calendar and Targets (Dec. 2009)
PGA ICC Campaign Calendar and Targets (Dec. 2009)167.1 KB2009calendarenglish
La CPI sur la justice et la paix dans les Grands lacs et l'Afrique centra a vécu
La CPI sur la justice et la paix dans les Grands lacs et l’Afrique centra a vécu102.3 KB2009press-coveragefrancais
La RDC invitée a adopter la loi de mise en oeuvre du statut de Rome
La RDC invitée a adopter la loi de mise en oeuvre du statut de Rome205.6 KB2009press-coveragefrancais
Press Coverage (Arabic) (Dec. 2009)
Press Coverage (Arabic) (Dec. 2009)578.1 KB2009press-coverageenglish
Processus de l’adoption de proposition de loi de mise en oeuvre du Statut de Rome au parlement de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC)
Processus de l’adoption de proposition de loi de mise en oeuvre du Statut de Rome au parlement de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC)100.1 KB2009event-reportfrancais
Resolutions: Intemational Parliamentary Conference on Justice and Peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Resolutions: Intemational Parliamentary Conference on Justice and Peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo273 KB2009resolutionenglish
Résolutions: Conférence Parlementaire Intemationale sur la Justice et la Paix dans la République Démocratique du Congo et la Région des Grands Lacs et en Afrique Centrale
Résolutions: Conférence Parlementaire Intemationale sur la Justice et la Paix dans la République Démocratique du Congo et la Région des Grands Lacs et en Afrique Centrale331.1 KB2009resolutionfrancais
Statut de la législation implémentant les provisions du Statut de Rome de la Cour Pénale Internationale (CPI) dans les Pays des Grands Lacs
Statut de la législation implémentant les provisions du Statut de Rome de la Cour Pénale Internationale (CPI) dans les Pays des Grands Lacs135.8 KB2009newsfrancais
Speech by Ambassador Stephen Rapp, US Ambassador-at-large for war crimes issues
Speech by Ambassador Stephen Rapp, US Ambassador-at-large for war crimes issues77.2 KB2009speechfrancais
Nyabirungu Mwene Songa : Le Defi De L'abolition De La Peine De Mort Pour Une Mise En Oeoeuvre Du Statut De Rome En Republique Democratique Du Congo
Nyabirungu Mwene Songa : Le Defi De L’abolition De La Peine De Mort Pour Une Mise En Oeoeuvre Du Statut De Rome En Republique Democratique Du Congo313.3 KB2009speechfrancais
Terms of Reference: International Parliamentary Conference on Justice and Peace in DRC
Terms of Reference: International Parliamentary Conference on Justice and Peace in DRC116.3 KB2009terms-of-referenceenglish
Termes de Référence: Conférence Parlementaire Internationale sur la Justice et la Paix dans la République Démocratique du Congo, la Région des Grands Lacs et l’Afrique Centrale
Termes de Référence: Conférence Parlementaire Internationale sur la Justice et la Paix dans la République Démocratique du Congo, la Région des Grands Lacs et l’Afrique Centrale120 KB2009terms-of-referencefrancais
International Parliamentary Conference on Justice and Peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Great Lakes and Central Asia
International Parliamentary Conference on Justice and Peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Great Lakes and Central Asia305.3 KB2009event-reportenglish
Liste de Participants: Agenda: Conférence Parlementaire Internationale sur la Justice et la Paix dans la République Démocratique du Congo, la Région des Grands Lacs et l’Afrique Centrale
Liste de Participants: Agenda: Conférence Parlementaire Internationale sur la Justice et la Paix dans la République Démocratique du Congo, la Région des Grands Lacs et l’Afrique Centrale165.6 KB2009list-of-participantsfrancais
Agenda: International Parliamentary Conference on Justice and Peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Great Lakes Region and Central Africa
Agenda: International Parliamentary Conference on Justice and Peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Great Lakes Region and Central Africa126.2 KB2009agendaenglish
Agenda: Conférence Parlementaire Internationale sur la Justice et la Paix dans la République Démocratique du Congo, la Région des Grands Lacs et l’Afrique Centrale
Agenda: Conférence Parlementaire Internationale sur la Justice et la Paix dans la République Démocratique du Congo, la Région des Grands Lacs et l’Afrique Centrale125.7 KB2009agendafrancais
Presentation De L’Honorable Depute Mbaigoto Tatoloumel Jules
Presentation De L’Honorable Depute Mbaigoto Tatoloumel Jules119.4 KB2009speechfrancais
Speech by Judge Sang‐Hyun Song, Kinshasa, DRC (Dec. 2009)
Speech by Judge Sang‐Hyun Song, Kinshasa, DRC (Dec. 2009)234.5 KB2009speechenglish
High‐level PGA Delegation visits Jakarta – PGA President Ross Robertson and Board Member Mark Pritchard welcome Indonesia’s progress towards joining the ICC Statute
High‐level PGA Delegation visits Jakarta – PGA President Ross Robertson and Board Member Mark Pritchard welcome Indonesia’s progress towards joining the ICC Statute110.9 KB2013plan-of-actionenglish
Press Coverage: PGA’s Field Mission to Indonesia to promote Indonesia’s Accession to the Rome Statute of the ICC (12-15 May 2013)
Press Coverage: PGA’s Field Mission to Indonesia to promote Indonesia’s Accession to the Rome Statute of the ICC (12-15 May 2013)163.8 KB2013press-coverageenglish
List of Speakers and Participants: Round-Table Discussion on ICC at Indonesia Parliament
List of Speakers and Participants: Round-Table Discussion on ICC at Indonesia Parliament295.6 KB2013list-of-participantsenglish
Improving Security Council Support of the International Criminal Court (May 2013)
Improving Security Council Support of the International Criminal Court (May 2013)951.4 KB2013newsenglish
Making the Rights Choices, remembering our friend Chris Hall (1946-2013)
Making the Rights Choices, remembering our friend Chris Hall (1946-2013)144.6 KB2013newsenglish
PGA Expresses Disappointment at Reinstatement of the Amnesty Act (2000) in Uganda Without Amendments
PGA Expresses Disappointment at Reinstatement of the Amnesty Act (2000) in Uganda Without Amendments158.2 KB2013newsenglish
PGA expresses deep concern at recent wave of arrests of Parliamentarians and civil society representatives in Chad
PGA expresses deep concern at recent wave of arrests of Parliamentarians and civil society representatives in Chad221.9 KB2013newsenglish
L’Action Mondiale des Parlementaires inquiète face à la vague d'arrestations de parlementaires et de représentants de la société civile au Tchad
L’Action Mondiale des Parlementaires inquiète face à la vague d’arrestations de parlementaires et de représentants de la société civile au Tchad183.6 KB2013newsfrancais
La Acción Mundial de Parlamentarios (PGA) alarmada por la ola de arrestos de Parlamentarios y representantes de la sociedad civil en Chad
La Acción Mundial de Parlamentarios (PGA) alarmada por la ola de arrestos de Parlamentarios y representantes de la sociedad civil en Chad194.9 KB2013newsespanol
Nigeria Senate Notice 37 (May 2013)
Nigeria Senate Notice 37 (May 2013)236.8 KB2013newsenglish
Statement of PGA Secretary General Ms. Shazia Rafi on the occasion of Hon. Nimal Sirpala de Silva completing 30 years in politics
Statement of PGA Secretary General Ms. Shazia Rafi on the occasion of Hon. Nimal Sirpala de Silva completing 30 years in politics75.6 KB2013newsenglish
Hon. Thilanga Sumathipala, Member of Parliament of Sri Lanka, will serve as new Convenor of the Gender Equality and Population Programme
Hon. Thilanga Sumathipala, Member of Parliament of Sri Lanka, will serve as new Convenor of the Gender Equality and Population Programme80.7 KB2013newsenglish
Speech by Baroness Stern (Crossbench)
Speech by Baroness Stern (Crossbench)276.7 KB2013speechenglish
Juan Moscoso Exige Al Gobierno Que Ratifique Con Urgencia El Tratado Internacional Para Controlar El Comercio De Armas Y Evitar La Violación De Derechos Humanos
Juan Moscoso Exige Al Gobierno Que Ratifique Con Urgencia El Tratado Internacional Para Controlar El Comercio De Armas Y Evitar La Violación De Derechos Humanos120.8 KB2013press-coverageespanol
Resolution On The Coup D’etat in the Central African Republic
Resolution On The Coup D’etat in the Central African Republic76 KB2013resolutionenglish
Resolution Sur Le Coup D’etat En Republique Centrafricaine
Resolution Sur Le Coup D’etat En Republique Centrafricaine72.4 KB2013newsfrancais
Resolucion Sobre El Golpe De Estado En La Republica Centrafrica
Resolucion Sobre El Golpe De Estado En La Republica Centrafrica74.7 KB2013newsespanol
Agenda: Side Event to PACE 2013 session: The ICC, Syria crisis and the Security Council
Agenda: Side Event to PACE 2013 session: The ICC, Syria crisis and the Security Council133.1 KB2013agendaenglish
PGA Dominica Group Urges FM to Sign Arms Trade Treaty
PGA Dominica Group Urges FM to Sign Arms Trade Treaty477.4 KB2013letterespanol
Hon. Huda Oleru, MP: A Call To Governmnet Of Uganda To Allocate Adequate Vaccines Funds To Scale Up Access To Immunisation And Avert Cases Of Preventable Infant Mortalities
Hon. Huda Oleru, MP: A Call To Governmnet Of Uganda To Allocate Adequate Vaccines Funds To Scale Up Access To Immunisation And Avert Cases Of Preventable Infant Mortalities99.4 KB2013statementenglish
Towards Stability and the Rule of Law: Why African States, including Uganda, should ratify the Kampala Amendments to the Rome Statute
Towards Stability and the Rule of Law: Why African States, including Uganda, should ratify the Kampala Amendments to the Rome Statute180.5 KB2013speechenglish
Intervención: Diputada Minou Tavarez Mirabal
Intervención: Diputada Minou Tavarez Mirabal235.1 KB2013speechespanol
Arms Trade Treaty is agreed at UN Headquarters in New York
Arms Trade Treaty is agreed at UN Headquarters in New York115.8 KB2013newsenglish
Traite Sur Le Commerce Des Armes Etabli Aux Siege Des Nations Unies A New York
Traite Sur Le Commerce Des Armes Etabli Aux Siege Des Nations Unies A New York141 KB2013newsfrancais
Se Adopta Tratado Sobre Comercio De Armas En Naciones Unidas, En Nueva York
Se Adopta Tratado Sobre Comercio De Armas En Naciones Unidas, En Nueva York112.9 KB2013newsespanol
Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) condemns Coup D'état in the Central African Republic
Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) condemns Coup D’état in the Central African Republic234.4 KB2013newsenglish
Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the ICC and the Rule of Law (7th session)
Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the ICC and the Rule of Law (7th session)133.4 KB2012newsenglish
European Parliament resolution of 13 December 2012 on the annual report Human Rights and Democracy in the World 2011
European Parliament resolution of 13 December 2012 on the annual report Human Rights and Democracy in the World 2011212.3 KB2012resolutionenglish
Rome Plan of Action on the Prevention of Atrocities, the Rule of Law and the International Criminal Court
Rome Plan of Action on the Prevention of Atrocities, the Rule of Law and the International Criminal Court320 KB2012plan-of-actionenglish
Plan d'Action De Rome Pour La Prevention Des Atrocites, L’etat De Droit Et La Cour Penale Internationale
Plan d’Action De Rome Pour La Prevention Des Atrocites, L’etat De Droit Et La Cour Penale Internationale274.5 KB2012plan-of-actionfrancais
Plan De Acción De Rome De 2012 Para La Prevención De Atrocidades, El Estado De Derecho Y La Corte Penal International
Plan De Acción De Rome De 2012 Para La Prevención De Atrocidades, El Estado De Derecho Y La Corte Penal International300.9 KB2012plan-of-actionespanol
Letter of NGOs to President Barack Obama on Situation in Congo (Dec. 2012)
Letter of NGOs to President Barack Obama on Situation in Congo (Dec. 2012)310.5 KB2012letterenglish
Speech by Judge Sang-Hyun Song, 7th Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the ICC and the Rule of Law (Dec. 2012)
Speech by Judge Sang-Hyun Song, 7th Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the ICC and the Rule of Law (Dec. 2012)141.3 KB2012speechenglish
Ms. Anna Maria Cancellieri, Minister of Interior of Italy, on the occasion of the delivery of the Defender of Democracy Awards of PGA and on International Human Rights Day, Senate of Italy (Dec. 2012)
Ms. Anna Maria Cancellieri, Minister of Interior of Italy, on the occasion of the delivery of the Defender of Democracy Awards of PGA and on International Human Rights Day, Senate of Italy (Dec. 2012)62.9 KB2012speechenglish
Letter to Baroness Catherine Ashton of Upholland
Letter to Baroness Catherine Ashton of Upholland17.9 KB2012letterenglish
Manual de Ratificación e Implementación de la Enmiendas de Kampala al Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional
Manual de Ratificación e Implementación de la Enmiendas de Kampala al Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional236.5 KB2012handbookespanol
PGA Statement in the Debate on Complementarity (11th ASP, The Hague, November 2012)
PGA Statement in the Debate on Complementarity (11th ASP, The Hague, November 2012)257.2 KB2012newsenglish
57th CSW: Statement
57th CSW: Statement32.4 KB2012newsenglish
Commission de la condition de la femme : Déclaration
Commission de la condition de la femme : Déclaration110.6 KB2012newsfrancais
Comisión de la Condición Jurídica y Social de la Mujer: Declaración
Comisión de la Condición Jurídica y Social de la Mujer: Declaración88.6 KB2012newsespanol
بيان30.7 KB2012newsarabic
Agenda: Towards Effective Cooperation by the Security Council with the ICC: The Role of the ASP and of the States Parties
Agenda: Towards Effective Cooperation by the Security Council with the ICC: The Role of the ASP and of the States Parties231.6 KB2012agendaenglish
Agenda: Roundtable, Kinshasa, DRC (Nov. 2012)
Agenda: Roundtable, Kinshasa, DRC (Nov. 2012)152.2 KB2012agendaenglish
Letter of Ross Robertson to the Editor of Manukau Courier
Letter of Ross Robertson to the Editor of Manukau Courier67.7 KB2012letterenglish
Selected Practise of the UN Security Council in Relation to the International Criminal Court and the Rome Statute System (1998-2012)
Selected Practise of the UN Security Council in Relation to the International Criminal Court and the Rome Statute System (1998-2012)515.1 KB2012background-informationenglish
Speech by Minou Tavarez: The World As We Know It (Sep. 2012)
Speech by Minou Tavarez: The World As We Know It (Sep. 2012)103.5 KB2012speechenglish
PGA Announces Recipients of 17th Annual Defender of Democracy Awards
PGA Announces Recipients of 17th Annual Defender of Democracy Awards59.8 KB2012announcementenglish
Statement by PGA on the Assassination of Mr. Mustafa Haji Maalim MP in Somalia
Statement by PGA on the Assassination of Mr. Mustafa Haji Maalim MP in Somalia126.8 KB2012newsenglish
Speech of Senator Benedetto Adragna on the agenda item “Implementing Legislation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (cooperation)”
Speech of Senator Benedetto Adragna on the agenda item “Implementing Legislation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (cooperation)”124.8 KB2012speechenglish
Letter of Hon. Murrary McCully to Ross Robertson (Sep. 2012)
Letter of Hon. Murrary McCully to Ross Robertson (Sep. 2012)146.1 KB2012letterenglish
Members of Parliamentarians for Global Action from Malawi call on their Government to implement the Rome Statute of the ICC in domestic law
Members of Parliamentarians for Global Action from Malawi call on their Government to implement the Rome Statute of the ICC in domestic law201.9 KB2012newsenglish
Report: Side Event on the Role of Legislators in the Implementation of the Programme of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons
Report: Side Event on the Role of Legislators in the Implementation of the Programme of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons140.7 KB2012event-reportenglish
List of Participants: Side Event on the Role of Legislators in the Implementation of the Programme of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons
List of Participants: Side Event on the Role of Legislators in the Implementation of the Programme of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons138.6 KB2012list-of-participantsenglish
Invitation: Side Event on The Role of Legislators in the Implementation of the Programme of Action on SALW
Invitation: Side Event on The Role of Legislators in the Implementation of the Programme of Action on SALW120.8 KB2012invitationenglish
Agenda: Side Event on the Role of Legislators in the Implementation of the Programme of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons
Agenda: Side Event on the Role of Legislators in the Implementation of the Programme of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons124.9 KB2012agendaenglish
Plaidoyer contre la prolifération des armes légères et pour une action concertée contre la circulation des armes en Afrique de l’Ouest
Plaidoyer contre la prolifération des armes légères et pour une action concertée contre la circulation des armes en Afrique de l’Ouest127 KB2012speechenglish
PGA member, Dieudonné Upira Sunguma, MP on victims’ reparations in relation to the Lubanga Trial
PGA member, Dieudonné Upira Sunguma, MP on victims’ reparations in relation to the Lubanga Trial195.2 KB2012newsenglish
Programa: Décimo Aniversario de la Entrada en Vigor del Estatuto de Roma - Corte Penal Internacional
Programa: Décimo Aniversario de la Entrada en Vigor del Estatuto de Roma – Corte Penal Internacional80.2 KB2012agendaespanol
Boletín N° S 1.471-12
Boletín N° S 1.471-1260.8 KB2012speechespanol
Remarks by Senador Paulo Paim (July 2012)
Remarks by Senador Paulo Paim (July 2012)64.7 KB2012speechenglish
Atte Yonhy Lescano Ancieta - Declaración Global Parlamentaria sobre el Tratado de Comercio de Armas
Atte Yonhy Lescano Ancieta – Declaración Global Parlamentaria sobre el Tratado de Comercio de Armas173.2 KB2012letterespanol
Arms Trade Treaty Petition and 3 Declarations Handover to UNSG Ban Ki-moon
Arms Trade Treaty Petition and 3 Declarations Handover to UNSG Ban Ki-moon81 KB2012newsenglish
Remarks of UNSG Ban Ki-moon at Handover of Control Arms Parliamentarian Declaration
Remarks of UNSG Ban Ki-moon at Handover of Control Arms Parliamentarian Declaration140.3 KB2012speechenglish
List of Participants: Making the Arms Trade Treaty a Reality - The Role of Legislators
List of Participants: Making the Arms Trade Treaty a Reality – The Role of Legislators139.6 KB2012list-of-participantsenglish
Agenda: Making the Arms Trade Treaty a Reality – The Role of Legislators (Jul. 2012)
Agenda: Making the Arms Trade Treaty a Reality – The Role of Legislators (Jul. 2012)106.4 KB2012agendaenglish
Letter of Parliamentarians to Hillary Clinton and Susan E. Rice - Arms Trade Treaty
Letter of Parliamentarians to Hillary Clinton and Susan E. Rice – Arms Trade Treaty217.8 KB2012letterenglish
Global Parliamentarian Declaration on the Arms Trade Treaty: Signatories - List of Parliamentarians
Global Parliamentarian Declaration on the Arms Trade Treaty: Signatories – List of Parliamentarians454.3 KB2012declarationenglish
5th Meeting of PGA's Working Group on the Universality of the ICC in the Middle East and the South Mediterranean
5th Meeting of PGA’s Working Group on the Universality of the ICC in the Middle East and the South Mediterranean2.9 MB2012event-reportarabic
Fifth International Parliamentarians' Conference on the Implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action
Fifth International Parliamentarians’ Conference on the Implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action128.9 KB2012event-reportenglish
List of Participants: Fifth IPCI/ICPD Conference (May 2012)
List of Participants: Fifth IPCI/ICPD Conference (May 2012)577.2 KB2012list-of-participantsenglish
Media Monitoring: PGA Consultations on the ICC in Morocco (2012)
Media Monitoring: PGA Consultations on the ICC in Morocco (2012)1 MB2012press-coverageenglish
Agenda and List of Participants: 5th Meeting of PGA’s Working Group on the Universality of the ICC in the Middle East and the South Mediterranean
Agenda and List of Participants: 5th Meeting of PGA’s Working Group on the Universality of the ICC in the Middle East and the South Mediterranean311.5 KB2012agendaenglish
Programme de travail et participants: 5eme Réunion du Groupe de Travail sur l'Universalité du Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale en Afrique du Nord, au Moyen-Orient et au Golfe
Programme de travail et participants: 5eme Réunion du Groupe de Travail sur l’Universalité du Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale en Afrique du Nord, au Moyen-Orient et au Golfe263.5 KB2012agendafrancais
Istanbul Statement of Commitment - Conference on the Implementation of the ICPD POA
Istanbul Statement of Commitment – Conference on the Implementation of the ICPD POA267.5 KB2012newsenglish
Report: Fifth International Parliamentarians' Conference on the Implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action
Report: Fifth International Parliamentarians’ Conference on the Implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action135 KB2012event-reportenglish
Agenda: 2012 International Parliamentarians' Conference on the Implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action
Agenda: 2012 International Parliamentarians’ Conference on the Implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action752.1 KB2012agendaenglish
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وآله وصحبه
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وآله وصحبه231.1 KB2012speechenglish
PGA President Ross Robertson MP (New Zealand) meets with Minister of State of Ministry of External Affairs of India
PGA President Ross Robertson MP (New Zealand) meets with Minister of State of Ministry of External Affairs of India113.2 KB2012newsenglish
Liechtenstein ratifies Rome Statute amendment on the Crime of Aggression (May 2012)
Liechtenstein ratifies Rome Statute amendment on the Crime of Aggression (May 2012)184.1 KB2012newsenglish
Liechtenstein ratifica la enmienda al Estatuto de Roma sobre el Crimen de Agresión
Liechtenstein ratifica la enmienda al Estatuto de Roma sobre el Crimen de Agresión207.1 KB2012newsespanol
Liechtenstein ratifiziert die Abaenderung des Roemischen Statutes ueber das Verbrechen der Aggression
Liechtenstein ratifiziert die Abaenderung des Roemischen Statutes ueber das Verbrechen der Aggression136.7 KB2012newsenglish
Report on the Side Event on Environmental Health Initiatives: Innovative Approaches for Building Sustainable Cities
Report on the Side Event on Environmental Health Initiatives: Innovative Approaches for Building Sustainable Cities98.7 KB2012event-reportenglish
Concept Note: Side Event on Environmental Health Initiatives: Innovative Approaches for Building Sustainable Cities
Concept Note: Side Event on Environmental Health Initiatives: Innovative Approaches for Building Sustainable Cities123.8 KB2012background-informationenglish
Agenda: Side Event on Environmental Health Initiatives: Innovative Approaches for Building Sustainable Cities
Agenda: Side Event on Environmental Health Initiatives: Innovative Approaches for Building Sustainable Cities137.3 KB2012agendadeutsch
Presentation by Hon. Pindi Chana: PGA’s Side Event on Legislators and Environmental Health Initiatives
Presentation by Hon. Pindi Chana: PGA’s Side Event on Legislators and Environmental Health Initiatives834.7 KB2012presentationenglish
Mobility Strategies to Build Sustainable Cities
Mobility Strategies to Build Sustainable Cities4 MB2012presentationenglish
Presentation by Ruby Pawankar: Impact of Environment on Health. What Are The Challenges?
Presentation by Ruby Pawankar: Impact of Environment on Health. What Are The Challenges?1.1 MB2012presentationenglish
Green Solutions - VERDMX and Promexico - initiatives to boosst the green economy
Green Solutions – VERDMX and Promexico – initiatives to boosst the green economy3.8 MB2012presentationenglish
Parlacen Apoyara Tratado Sobre Comercializacion de Armas de las Naciones Unidas
Parlacen Apoyara Tratado Sobre Comercializacion de Armas de las Naciones Unidas132.3 KB2012newsespanol
Comisión de Asuntos Exteriores
Comisión de Asuntos Exteriores101 KB2012government-publicationespanol
Chronology: ICC Process in Brazil
Chronology: ICC Process in Brazil159.8 KB2012chronologyenglish
Para que haya menos armas
Para que haya menos armas122.8 KB2012press-coverageespanol
Interview with Ross Robertson, MP (New Zealand) (Mar. 2012)
Interview with Ross Robertson, MP (New Zealand) (Mar. 2012)197.4 KB2012newsenglish
PGA condemns the military coup in Mali (Mar. 2012)
PGA condemns the military coup in Mali (Mar. 2012)297.7 KB2012newsenglish
El PSOE propone que el anteproyecto de Ley de Transparencia
El PSOE propone que el anteproyecto de Ley de Transparencia106.1 KB2012press-coverageespanol
Naveed Qamar for developing renewable energy resources
Naveed Qamar for developing renewable energy resources100.9 KB2012press-coverageenglish
M. le juge Sang‐Hyun Song - Allocution (Dec. 2009)
M. le juge Sang‐Hyun Song – Allocution (Dec. 2009)164.2 KB2009speechfrancais
M. Jean-Michel Dumont: "Justice Pour La Paix"
M. Jean-Michel Dumont: “Justice Pour La Paix”188 KB2009speechfrancais
Mme. Jaynet Kabila, President of the Foundation Laurent-Désiré Kabila and Coordinator of the Initiative « Women for Peace in the Great Lakes Region
Mme. Jaynet Kabila, President of the Foundation Laurent-Désiré Kabila and Coordinator of the Initiative « Women for Peace in the Great Lakes Region142.5 KB2009speechfrancais
Mme. Irène Esambo Diata, Lawyer and President of the "Centre d'Etude sur la Justice et la Résolution 1325"
Mme. Irène Esambo Diata, Lawyer and President of the “Centre d’Etude sur la Justice et la Résolution 1325”211.9 KB2009speechfrancais
Global Parliamentary Network Calls For Full Support Of The International Criminal Court And The Fight Against Impunity In The Great Lakes And Central African Regions
Global Parliamentary Network Calls For Full Support Of The International Criminal Court And The Fight Against Impunity In The Great Lakes And Central African Regions290.5 KB2009newsenglish
Conférence Parlementaire Internationale sur la Justice et la Paix (Dec. 2009)
Conférence Parlementaire Internationale sur la Justice et la Paix (Dec. 2009)98.2 KB2009event-reportfrancais
Réseau Parlementaire Mondial Appelle À Un Soutien Complet De La Cour Pénale Internationale Et La Lutte Contre L'impunité Dans La Région Des Grands Lacs Et De L’afrique Centrale
Réseau Parlementaire Mondial Appelle À Un Soutien Complet De La Cour Pénale Internationale Et La Lutte Contre L’impunité Dans La Région Des Grands Lacs Et De L’afrique Centrale83.4 KB2009newsfrancais
Discours de M. Claude Janiak
Discours de M. Claude Janiak111 KB2009speechfrancais
Allocution de Luzolo Bambi Lessa
Allocution de Luzolo Bambi Lessa348.8 KB2009speechfrancais
Allocution de Adubango Ali Emmanuel : Conférence Parlementaire lnternationale sur la Justice
Allocution de Adubango Ali Emmanuel : Conférence Parlementaire lnternationale sur la Justice162.9 KB2009speechfrancais
List of Participants: PGA Roundtable Meeting on the ICC (Dec. 2009)
List of Participants: PGA Roundtable Meeting on the ICC (Dec. 2009)132.7 KB2009list-of-participantsenglish
Agenda: PGA Roundtable Meeting on the ICC (Dec. 2009)
Agenda: PGA Roundtable Meeting on the ICC (Dec. 2009)138 KB2009agendaenglish
Speech by Judge Sang‐Hyun Song, Kinshasa, Kathmandu, Nepal (Dec. 2009)
Speech by Judge Sang‐Hyun Song, Kinshasa, Kathmandu, Nepal (Dec. 2009)126 KB2009speechenglish
Resolution ICC-ASP/8/Res.6
Resolution ICC-ASP/8/Res.640.7 KB2009resolutionenglish
Background Report: 31st Annual Forum: Environment and Energy Management
Background Report: 31st Annual Forum: Environment and Energy Management290 KB2009background-informationenglish
Informe de Apoyo: 31avo Foro Anual: Medioambiente y Gerencia Energética
Informe de Apoyo: 31avo Foro Anual: Medioambiente y Gerencia Energética236.1 KB2009background-informationespanol
Conference Report: PGA's 31st Annual Forum: Environment and Energy Management (Oct. 2009)
Conference Report: PGA’s 31st Annual Forum: Environment and Energy Management (Oct. 2009)1 MB2009event-reportenglish
List of Participants: PGA 31st Annual Parliamentary Forum
List of Participants: PGA 31st Annual Parliamentary Forum128.5 KB2009list-of-participantsenglish
Declaration: 31st Annual Forum: Environment and Energy Management
Declaration: 31st Annual Forum: Environment and Energy Management294 KB2009declarationenglish
Declaration: 31ème Forum Annuel : La Gestion de l’Environnement et de l'Énergie
Declaration: 31ème Forum Annuel : La Gestion de l’Environnement et de l’Énergie306.5 KB2009declarationfrancais
Declaración: 31avo. Foro Anual: Medio Ambiente y Gestión de la Energía
Declaración: 31avo. Foro Anual: Medio Ambiente y Gestión de la Energía264.6 KB2009declarationespanol
31st Annual Forum: Environment and Energy Management
31st Annual Forum: Environment and Energy Management177.3 KB2009brochureenglish
Agenda - 31st Annual Forum: Environment and Energy Management
Agenda – 31st Annual Forum: Environment and Energy Management133.5 KB2009agendaenglish
Agenda: 31ème Forum Annuel - Environnement et Gérance de l’Energie
Agenda: 31ème Forum Annuel – Environnement et Gérance de l’Energie135.6 KB2009agendafrancais
Judge Sang-Hyun Song: Address to European Parliament
Judge Sang-Hyun Song: Address to European Parliament313 KB2009speechenglish
Agenda and List of Participants: The International Criminal Court and the European Union
Agenda and List of Participants: The International Criminal Court and the European Union132.8 KB2009agendaenglish
PGA ICC Campaign Calendar and Targets (Sep. 2009)
PGA ICC Campaign Calendar and Targets (Sep. 2009)165.7 KB2009calendarenglish
Consultas sobre la Corte Penal Internacional (Sep. 2009)
Consultas sobre la Corte Penal Internacional (Sep. 2009)89 KB2009agendaespanol
PGA Statement on the Situation in Guinea (Sep. 2009)
PGA Statement on the Situation in Guinea (Sep. 2009)121.6 KB2009newsenglish
Agenda: Diálogos sobre el Estatuto de Roma y su armonización con/a legislación penal venezolana
Agenda: Diálogos sobre el Estatuto de Roma y su armonización con/a legislación penal venezolana130.8 KB2009agendaenglish
PGA Bilateral Dialogue (Aug. 2009)
PGA Bilateral Dialogue (Aug. 2009)137.8 KB2009agendaenglish
Agenda: Parliamentary Action Post-ICAAP 8: The Way Forward (Aug. 2009)
Agenda: Parliamentary Action Post-ICAAP 8: The Way Forward (Aug. 2009)89.3 KB2009agendaenglish
Le PGA rejette la résolution de Syrte (Aug. 2009)
Le PGA rejette la résolution de Syrte (Aug. 2009)167.1 KB2009press-coverageenglish
Czech Republic Becomes 110th State Party to the Rome Statute of the ICC (21 July 2009)
Czech Republic Becomes 110th State Party to the Rome Statute of the ICC (21 July 2009)120.4 KB2009newsenglish
Current State of Greece, Recent Initiatives, News, Legislation (2009)
Current State of Greece, Recent Initiatives, News, Legislation (2009)82.2 KB2009newsenglish
Contribution Du PGA/RDC A La Reunion Strategique Du 18 Au 19 Juin 2009 A La Haye
Contribution Du PGA/RDC A La Reunion Strategique Du 18 Au 19 Juin 2009 A La Haye194.7 KB2009newsfrancais
Agenda: Strategy Meeting - The Politics of International Justice (June 2009)
Agenda: Strategy Meeting – The Politics of International Justice (June 2009)89.2 KB2009agendaenglish
Chilean Congress Approves the Ratification of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (June 17, 2009)
Chilean Congress Approves the Ratification of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (June 17, 2009)134.7 KB2009newsenglish
Congreso Chileno Aprueba La Ratificación Del Estatuto De Roma
Congreso Chileno Aprueba La Ratificación Del Estatuto De Roma131.7 KB2009newsespanol
Agenda: PGA Roundtable Briefing on Crime of Aggression (June 2009)
Agenda: PGA Roundtable Briefing on Crime of Aggression (June 2009)70.9 KB2009agendaenglish
Statement by Sergio Duarte, High Represenative for Disarmament Affairs - Workshop hosted by the Permanent Mission of Mexico
Statement by Sergio Duarte, High Represenative for Disarmament Affairs – Workshop hosted by the Permanent Mission of Mexico287 KB2009speechenglish
Agenda: PGA Roundtable Briefing on Small Arms and Light Weapons and The Initiative towards an Arms Trade Treaty: Continuing Challenges for Parliamentarians (Jun. 2009)
Agenda: PGA Roundtable Briefing on Small Arms and Light Weapons and The Initiative towards an Arms Trade Treaty: Continuing Challenges for Parliamentarians (Jun. 2009)71.2 KB2009agendaenglish
Aún no firmamos estatuto contra los crímenes de guerra (Nicaragua)
Aún no firmamos estatuto contra los crímenes de guerra (Nicaragua)210.6 KB2009press-coverageespanol
Elevating the Profile of the ICC in Turkey (May 2009)
Elevating the Profile of the ICC in Turkey (May 2009)88 KB2009press-coverageenglish
Letter to Members of National Congress of Chile (19 May 2009) (español)
Letter to Members of National Congress of Chile (19 May 2009) (español)99.4 KB2009letterespanol
Letter to Members of National Congress of Chile (19 May 2009)
Letter to Members of National Congress of Chile (19 May 2009)104.2 KB2009letterenglish
PGA Activities Worldwide 2008
PGA Activities Worldwide 2008183.5 KB2008newsenglish
PGA statement on the terrorists attacks in Mumbai
PGA statement on the terrorists attacks in Mumbai98.5 KB2008newsenglish
Breakfast Working Meeting on Implementing Legislation of the Rome Statute of the ICC in Domestic Legal Orders
Breakfast Working Meeting on Implementing Legislation of the Rome Statute of the ICC in Domestic Legal Orders90.5 KB2008newsenglish
Agenda: Maximising the Impact of the ICC System: The Role of Parliamentarians in promoting Effectiveness
Agenda: Maximising the Impact of the ICC System: The Role of Parliamentarians in promoting Effectiveness142.3 KB2008agendaenglish
Santo Domingo Plan of Action on the Rule of Law & the ICC
Santo Domingo Plan of Action on the Rule of Law & the ICC299.8 KB2008plan-of-actionenglish
Plan d’Action de Saint Domingue - l’Etat de Droit et la CPI
Plan d’Action de Saint Domingue – l’Etat de Droit et la CPI149.3 KB2008plan-of-actionfrancais
Plan de Acción de Santo Domingo sobre el Estado de Derecho & la Corte Penal Internacional
Plan de Acción de Santo Domingo sobre el Estado de Derecho & la Corte Penal Internacional180.6 KB2008plan-of-actionespanol
PGA Newsletter (October 2008)
PGA Newsletter (October 2008)712.8 KB2008newsletterenglish
Presentation by Ambassador Albert R. Ramdin (Oct. 2008)
Presentation by Ambassador Albert R. Ramdin (Oct. 2008)199.5 KB2008speechenglish
Speech: Desafíos para la ratificación del Estatuto de Roma en Centroamérica: caso Nicaragua
Speech: Desafíos para la ratificación del Estatuto de Roma en Centroamérica: caso Nicaragua239.6 KB2008speechenglish
Summary of Proceedings: 30th Annual Forum of Parliamentarians for Global Action and 5th Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the ICC and the Rule of Law
Summary of Proceedings: 30th Annual Forum of Parliamentarians for Global Action and 5th Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the ICC and the Rule of Law97.2 KB2008event-reportenglish
List of Participants: 30th PGA Annual Forum (Oct. 2008)
List of Participants: 30th PGA Annual Forum (Oct. 2008)153.9 KB2008list-of-participantsenglish
Agenda: 30th PGA Annual Forum (Oct. 2008)
Agenda: 30th PGA Annual Forum (Oct. 2008)166.2 KB2008agendaenglish
Speech by Mr. Luis Moreno-Ocampo
Speech by Mr. Luis Moreno-Ocampo319.9 KB2008speechenglish
Dominican Congress Hosts Global Parliamentary Forum On International Justice And The Rule Of Law
Dominican Congress Hosts Global Parliamentary Forum On International Justice And The Rule Of Law106.1 KB2008newsenglish
PGA Associates Itself with the PGA National Group in DRC to Denounce Crimes Recently Committed in Dungu, DRC
PGA Associates Itself with the PGA National Group in DRC to Denounce Crimes Recently Committed in Dungu, DRC115.7 KB2008communiqueenglish
L’Action Mondiale Des Parlementaires Se Joint Au Groupe National De PGA en Republique Democratique Du Congo (RDC) Pour Denoncer Les Crimes Recemment Commis A Dungu, RDC
L’Action Mondiale Des Parlementaires Se Joint Au Groupe National De PGA en Republique Democratique Du Congo (RDC) Pour Denoncer Les Crimes Recemment Commis A Dungu, RDC143.5 KB2008communiquefrancais
PGA condamne les attaques récurrentes menées contre la population civile par les rebelles de l’Armée de Résistance du Seigneur
PGA condamne les attaques récurrentes menées contre la population civile par les rebelles de l’Armée de Résistance du Seigneur77.3 KB2008newsfrancais
PGA Announces Recipients of 13th Annual Defender of Democracy Awards
PGA Announces Recipients of 13th Annual Defender of Democracy Awards124.4 KB2008announcementenglish
PGA Statement on the situation in Georgia (Aug. 2008)
PGA Statement on the situation in Georgia (Aug. 2008)107.8 KB2008newsenglish
Criminal against humanity must be brought before International Criminal Court (Jul. 2008)
Criminal against humanity must be brought before International Criminal Court (Jul. 2008)83.3 KB2008newsenglish
Suggested Steps for PGA Members Worldwide to Take On SALW/ATT (2007)
Suggested Steps for PGA Members Worldwide to Take On SALW/ATT (2007)313 KB2007newsenglish
Deputado Dr. Rosinha: Projeto De Lei No 301, De 2007
Deputado Dr. Rosinha: Projeto De Lei No 301, De 2007160.4 KB2007newsenglish
PGA’s Work in the Islamic World (1998-2007)
PGA’s Work in the Islamic World (1998-2007)178.6 KB2007newsenglish
PGA Membership Form (2007)
PGA Membership Form (2007)60.8 KB2007membership-formenglish
Formulaire d'Inscription (2007)
Formulaire d’Inscription (2007)159.8 KB2007membership-formfrancais
2007 Solicitud de Afiliación
2007 Solicitud de Afiliación179.9 KB2007membership-formespanol
Report on a joint initiative: Empowering Parliamentarians to Address HIV & AIDS in Pakistan.
Report on a joint initiative: Empowering Parliamentarians to Address HIV & AIDS in Pakistan.10.5 MB2007event-reportenglish
Credit Card Authorization Form (2007)
Credit Card Authorization Form (2007)45.4 KB2007payment-formenglish
PGA Statement on the Assassination of Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan
PGA Statement on the Assassination of Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan121.5 KB2007newsenglish
Summary: Second Roundtable Discussion on Issue of Migration (Dec. 2007)
Summary: Second Roundtable Discussion on Issue of Migration (Dec. 2007)94.5 KB2007event-reportenglish
Parliamentarians Urge The UN Security Council To Take Action To End Impunity In Darfur In Support Of Today’s Report Of The Prosecutor Of The International Criminal Court
Parliamentarians Urge The UN Security Council To Take Action To End Impunity In Darfur In Support Of Today’s Report Of The Prosecutor Of The International Criminal Court110 KB2007newsenglish
Les Parlementaires Pressent Le Conseil De Securite De L’onu De Prendre Des Mesures Pour Arreter L’impunite Au Darfour, En Soutien Au Rapport De Ce Jour Du Procureur De La Cour Penale Internationale
Les Parlementaires Pressent Le Conseil De Securite De L’onu De Prendre Des Mesures Pour Arreter L’impunite Au Darfour, En Soutien Au Rapport De Ce Jour Du Procureur De La Cour Penale Internationale97.9 KB2007newsfrancais
Agenda and List of Participants: Visit of Parliamentarians from Suriname to the ICC
Agenda and List of Participants: Visit of Parliamentarians from Suriname to the ICC114.3 KB2007agendaenglish
Press Coverage of PGA's 29th Annual Parliamentary Forum (Nov. 2007)
Press Coverage of PGA’s 29th Annual Parliamentary Forum (Nov. 2007)159.1 KB2007press-coverageenglish
List of Participants: PGA 29th Annual Forum in Collaboration with the Senate of Nigeria
List of Participants: PGA 29th Annual Forum in Collaboration with the Senate of Nigeria143.9 KB2007list-of-participantsenglish
Invitations to 29th Annual Parliamentary Forum of PGA (2007)
Invitations to 29th Annual Parliamentary Forum of PGA (2007)2.5 MB2007invitationenglish
Announcement: 29th Annual Parliamentary Forum (Nov. 2007)
Announcement: 29th Annual Parliamentary Forum (Nov. 2007)122.2 KB2007announcementenglish
Agenda: PGA 29th Annual Forum in Collaboration with the Senate of Nigeria
Agenda: PGA 29th Annual Forum in Collaboration with the Senate of Nigeria175.2 KB2007agendaenglish
NGO Roundtable on the Fight against Impunity and victims’ access to Justice
NGO Roundtable on the Fight against Impunity and victims’ access to Justice166.6 KB2007agendaenglish
Parliamentarians call upon the government of Pakistan (Nov. 2007)
Parliamentarians call upon the government of Pakistan (Nov. 2007)77 KB2007newsenglish
Abuja Plan of Action (Nov. 2007)
Abuja Plan of Action (Nov. 2007)70.9 KB2007plan-of-actionenglish
Agenda: PGA Round-Table Discussion on the Implementation of The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Nov. 2007)
Agenda: PGA Round-Table Discussion on the Implementation of The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Nov. 2007)108.4 KB2007agendaenglish
List of Participants: Round-Table Discussion on the Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC)
List of Participants: Round-Table Discussion on the Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC)111 KB2007list-of-participantsenglish
Mission of Chilean Parliamentarians to the ICC and other institutions
Mission of Chilean Parliamentarians to the ICC and other institutions92.5 KB2007event-reportenglish
List of Participants: Mission of Parliamentarians from Chile to the ICC
List of Participants: Mission of Parliamentarians from Chile to the ICC96.8 KB2007list-of-participantsenglish
Agenda: Mission of Parliamentarians from Chile to the ICC
Agenda: Mission of Parliamentarians from Chile to the ICC104.8 KB2007agendaenglish
The Position of the Parliament of Nepal on the Accession to the Rome Statute
The Position of the Parliament of Nepal on the Accession to the Rome Statute179.3 KB2007speechenglish
Agenda: Financing For Development, Migration Push Factors and the Role of Parliamentarians
Agenda: Financing For Development, Migration Push Factors and the Role of Parliamentarians91.5 KB2007agendaenglish
Senador Cantero respaldó integración de Chile a la Corte Penal Internacional
Senador Cantero respaldó integración de Chile a la Corte Penal Internacional143.3 KB2007newsespanol
Senador Cantero dijo tener toda la disposición para que Chile integre la Corte Penal Internacional
Senador Cantero dijo tener toda la disposición para que Chile integre la Corte Penal Internacional111 KB2007press-coverageenglish
Roundtable Discussion on the International Criminal Court and the Rule of Law: Stregthening Durable Peace and Justice in Nepal
Roundtable Discussion on the International Criminal Court and the Rule of Law: Stregthening Durable Peace and Justice in Nepal124.5 KB2007list-of-participantsenglish
Round-Table Discussion on the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the Rule of Law: Strengthening Durable Peace and Justice in Nepal
Round-Table Discussion on the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the Rule of Law: Strengthening Durable Peace and Justice in Nepal127.1 KB2007agendaenglish
Mongolia's experience in ratifying the Rome Statute of ICC
Mongolia’s experience in ratifying the Rome Statute of ICC88.7 KB2007speechenglish
List of Participants: Pre-ICAAP Parliamentary Seminar on HIV & AIDS Policy (Aug. 2007)
List of Participants: Pre-ICAAP Parliamentary Seminar on HIV & AIDS Policy (Aug. 2007)124.2 KB2007list-of-participantsenglish
Agenda: Pre-ICAAP Parliamentary Seminar on HIV & AIDS Policy (Aug. 2007)
Agenda: Pre-ICAAP Parliamentary Seminar on HIV & AIDS Policy (Aug. 2007)196 KB2007agendaenglish
Colombo Declaration of Action (Aug. 2007)
Colombo Declaration of Action (Aug. 2007)106.6 KB2007declarationenglish
Consultations on the ratification of international conventions regarding peace and security, arms control, the Rule of Law and the fight against impunity.
Consultations on the ratification of international conventions regarding peace and security, arms control, the Rule of Law and the fight against impunity.183.3 KB2007agendaenglish
Decision by Supreme Court of Pakistan (Jul. 2007)
Decision by Supreme Court of Pakistan (Jul. 2007)101.8 KB2007newsenglish
Japan Accedes to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Jul. 2007)
Japan Accedes to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Jul. 2007)105.3 KB2007newsenglish
Declaration De L’Action Mondiale Des Parlementaires Au Sujet De L’Adhesion Du Japon Au Statut De Rome De La Cour Penale Internationale
Declaration De L’Action Mondiale Des Parlementaires Au Sujet De L’Adhesion Du Japon Au Statut De Rome De La Cour Penale Internationale102.8 KB2007declarationfrancais
Meeting of the Working Group on the Universality of the ICC in the Middle East and the Mediterranean
Meeting of the Working Group on the Universality of the ICC in the Middle East and the Mediterranean125.6 KB2007event-reportenglish
List of Participants: Meeting of the Working Group on the Universality of the ICC in the Middle East and the Mediterranean (MEMED) (June 2007)
List of Participants: Meeting of the Working Group on the Universality of the ICC in the Middle East and the Mediterranean (MEMED) (June 2007)129.7 KB2007list-of-participantsenglish
اﻟﻤﺸﺎرآﻮن127.8 KB2007list-of-participantsarabic
Meeting of the Working Group on the Universality of the ICC in the Middle East and the Mediterranean (MEMED) (June 2007)
Meeting of the Working Group on the Universality of the ICC in the Middle East and the Mediterranean (MEMED) (June 2007)187.5 KB2007agendaenglish
Agenda: (arabic): Meeting of the Working Group on the Universality of the ICC in the Middle East and the Mediterranean (MEMED) (June 2007)
Agenda: (arabic): Meeting of the Working Group on the Universality of the ICC in the Middle East and the Mediterranean (MEMED) (June 2007)122.7 KB2007agendaarabic
Agenda: G8 Parliamentarians’ Conference on the Economic Rewards of Investing in HIV/AIDS Prevention and Health
Agenda: G8 Parliamentarians’ Conference on the Economic Rewards of Investing in HIV/AIDS Prevention and Health102.2 KB2007agendaenglish
Statement on the Current Situation in Pakistan (May 2007)
Statement on the Current Situation in Pakistan (May 2007)126 KB2007newsenglish
Status as of 1 May 2007: The Rome Statute of the ICC in the Middle East and the Mediterranean (MEMED) Region
Status as of 1 May 2007: The Rome Statute of the ICC in the Middle East and the Mediterranean (MEMED) Region92.9 KB2007newsenglish
El Departamento de Asuntos de Desarme saluda atentament+262:334
El Departamento de Asuntos de Desarme saluda atentament+262:334134.3 KB2007newsespanol
PGA’s Work in the Islamic World 1998-2006
PGA’s Work in the Islamic World 1998-2006346.7 KB2006newsenglish
Senior Legislators and the Government of Indonesia Agree to Accede to the Rome Statute
Senior Legislators and the Government of Indonesia Agree to Accede to the Rome Statute285.2 KB2006newsenglish
A Deterrent International Criminal Court - The Ultimate Objective
A Deterrent International Criminal Court – The Ultimate Objective132 KB2006newsenglish
Remarks by Prof. Vittorio Prodi: Human Security and Challenges for the 21st Century
Remarks by Prof. Vittorio Prodi: Human Security and Challenges for the 21st Century14.5 KB2006speechenglish
Speech by Hon. Parushu Ram Meghi Gurung - 28th Annual Parliamentary Forum
Speech by Hon. Parushu Ram Meghi Gurung – 28th Annual Parliamentary Forum9.5 KB2006speechenglish
Speech by Loretta Ann P. Rosales: On the ICC - Its Accomplishments, Challenges and Mandate
Speech by Loretta Ann P. Rosales: On the ICC – Its Accomplishments, Challenges and Mandate229.9 KB2006speechenglish
Presentation by Dr. Felipe Michelini MP (Dec. 2006)
Presentation by Dr. Felipe Michelini MP (Dec. 2006)73.9 KB2006speechespanol
Speech by Fatima Hajaig: Human Security and Challenges for the 21st Century (2006)
Speech by Fatima Hajaig: Human Security and Challenges for the 21st Century (2006)32.3 KB2006speechenglish
Media Articles Relating to 28th Annual Parliamentary Forum
Media Articles Relating to 28th Annual Parliamentary Forum173.6 KB2006press-coverageenglish
Hon. Assoumani Youssouf Mondoha: Pour Une Participatoion Active des Parlementaires
Hon. Assoumani Youssouf Mondoha: Pour Une Participatoion Active des Parlementaires851.9 KB2006speechfrancais
Tokyo Resolution on Human Security, the Rule of Law & the International Criminal Court
Tokyo Resolution on Human Security, the Rule of Law & the International Criminal Court332.2 KB2006resolutionenglish
Résolution de Tokyo sur la Sécurité Humaine, l’Etat de droit et la Cour pénale internationale (CPI)
Résolution de Tokyo sur la Sécurité Humaine, l’Etat de droit et la Cour pénale internationale (CPI)147.9 KB2006resolutionfrancais
Informational Note: 28th Annual Parliamentary Forum (2006)
Informational Note: 28th Annual Parliamentary Forum (2006)221 KB2006logistical-noteenglish
List of Participants: PGA 28th Annual Parliamentary Forum on Human Security
List of Participants: PGA 28th Annual Parliamentary Forum on Human Security162.6 KB2006list-of-participantsenglish
Agenda: PGA 28th Annual Parliamentary Forum on Human Security
Agenda: PGA 28th Annual Parliamentary Forum on Human Security165.4 KB2006agendaenglish
Speech by Yoriko Kawaguchi, Member of the House of Councillors - PGA 28th Annual Parliamentary Forum
Speech by Yoriko Kawaguchi, Member of the House of Councillors – PGA 28th Annual Parliamentary Forum16.1 KB2006speechenglish
Speech: Judge Philippe Kirsch, President of the ICC (Tokyo, 5 December 2006)
Speech: Judge Philippe Kirsch, President of the ICC (Tokyo, 5 December 2006)48.2 KB2006speechenglish
Keynote Speech by By Mme. Sadako Ogata (Dec. 2006)
Keynote Speech by By Mme. Sadako Ogata (Dec. 2006)24.7 KB2006speechenglish
Speech: Jeffrey Jamison (Dec. 2006)
Speech: Jeffrey Jamison (Dec. 2006)95.2 KB2006speechenglish
Speech by EDA Satsuki - 28th Annual Forum (Dec. 4th 2006)
Speech by EDA Satsuki – 28th Annual Forum (Dec. 4th 2006)12.7 KB2006speechenglish
L’Action mondiale des parlementaires (PGA) condamne le coup d'Etat en République centrafricaine
L’Action mondiale des parlementaires (PGA) condamne le coup d’Etat en République centrafricaine247.1 KB2013newsfrancais
Thirty years in politics: Nimal Siripala de Silva to be feted
Thirty years in politics: Nimal Siripala de Silva to be feted88.7 KB2013press-coverageenglish
Letter to Foreign Minister of Dominican Republic urging support for Arms Trade Treaty (Mar. 2013)
Letter to Foreign Minister of Dominican Republic urging support for Arms Trade Treaty (Mar. 2013)106.1 KB2013letterenglish
Transcript of the debate at the Foreign Affairs Committee, Chamber of Deputies of Uruguay, on the ratification of the Kampala Amendments
Transcript of the debate at the Foreign Affairs Committee, Chamber of Deputies of Uruguay, on the ratification of the Kampala Amendments82 KB2013newsespanol
PGA welcomes the voluntary surrender of Congolese warlord Bosco Ntaganda
PGA welcomes the voluntary surrender of Congolese warlord Bosco Ntaganda237.3 KB2013newsenglish
PGA se félicite de la reddition volontaire du chef militaire Bosco Ntaganda
PGA se félicite de la reddition volontaire du chef militaire Bosco Ntaganda212.1 KB2013newsfrancais
ICC Prosecutor's Message to the LRA
ICC Prosecutor’s Message to the LRA10.9 KB2013newsenglish
Parliament of Uganda Debate on International Criminal Court Bill
Parliament of Uganda Debate on International Criminal Court Bill188.9 KB2013newsenglish
Windhoek Plan of Action
Windhoek Plan of Action82.7 KB2013plan-of-actionenglish
Plan D'Action de Windhoek
Plan D’Action de Windhoek106.8 KB2013plan-of-actionfrancais
Statement by H.E. Onno Hückmann
Statement by H.E. Onno Hückmann25.7 KB2013speechenglish
Statement by Hon. Lamine Thaim
Statement by Hon. Lamine Thaim95.3 KB2013speechenglish
Statement by Hon. Lamine Thaim (French)
Statement by Hon. Lamine Thaim (French)111 KB2013speechfrancais
Namibia Regional Parliamentary Workshop on ‘Addressing the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons and Supporting an Arms Trade Treaty – The Role of Parliamentarians
Namibia Regional Parliamentary Workshop on ‘Addressing the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons and Supporting an Arms Trade Treaty – The Role of Parliamentarians99.9 KB2013newsenglish
List of Participants: Regional Parliamentary Workshop on ‘Addressing the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons and Supporting an Arms Trade Treaty – The Role of Parliamentarians’.
List of Participants: Regional Parliamentary Workshop on ‘Addressing the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons and Supporting an Arms Trade Treaty – The Role of Parliamentarians’.131.7 KB2013list-of-participantsenglish
Agenda: Addressing the Illicity Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons - Supporting an Arms Trade Treaty
Agenda: Addressing the Illicity Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons – Supporting an Arms Trade Treaty130.8 KB2013agendaenglish
Opening Statement by the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Hon. Loide Kasingo
Opening Statement by the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Hon. Loide Kasingo66.5 KB2013speechenglish
Introductory Statement by Honourable Evelyn Nawases-Taeyele
Introductory Statement by Honourable Evelyn Nawases-Taeyele68.2 KB2013newsenglish
Agenda: Current Challenges for the International Criminal Court
Agenda: Current Challenges for the International Criminal Court440.1 KB2013agendaenglish
Remarks by H.E. Ambassador Peter Woolcott on the Arms Trade Treaty
Remarks by H.E. Ambassador Peter Woolcott on the Arms Trade Treaty67.9 KB2013speechenglish
Statement by PGA Member Ms. Marie Norden, Member of the Swedish Parliament
Statement by PGA Member Ms. Marie Norden, Member of the Swedish Parliament111.4 KB2013speechenglish
PGA renews call for the arrest of LRA leader Joseph Kony
PGA renews call for the arrest of LRA leader Joseph Kony117.8 KB2013newsenglish
Remarks by Mark Pritchard on the death penalty in India
Remarks by Mark Pritchard on the death penalty in India67.4 KB2013speechenglish
President of the Assembly regrets visit of Sudanese President to Chad
President of the Assembly regrets visit of Sudanese President to Chad51.8 KB2013newsenglish
La Présidente de l’Assemblée déplore la visite du Président soudanais au Tchad
La Présidente de l’Assemblée déplore la visite du Président soudanais au Tchad49 KB2013newsfrancais
Statement of Leaders of the opposition, Hon Saleh Kebzabo, MP and Hon. Saleh Makki, MP, PGA members
Statement of Leaders of the opposition, Hon Saleh Kebzabo, MP and Hon. Saleh Makki, MP, PGA members88.7 KB2013newsenglish
La visite du Président Al Bashir au Tchad
La visite du Président Al Bashir au Tchad87.7 KB2013newsfrancais
Côte d’Ivoire ratifies the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
Côte d’Ivoire ratifies the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court177.9 KB2013newsenglish
La Côte d’Ivoire ratifie le Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale
La Côte d’Ivoire ratifie le Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale178.1 KB2013newsfrancais
Letter of Barbara Lochbihler to the Ambassador of the Embassy to the Republic of Chad
Letter of Barbara Lochbihler to the Ambassador of the Embassy to the Republic of Chad241.6 KB2013letterenglish
PGA Statement on the Situation in Central African Republic (Jan. 2013)
PGA Statement on the Situation in Central African Republic (Jan. 2013)86.2 KB2013newsenglish
Crise Militaro Politique en la République centrafricaine
Crise Militaro Politique en la République centrafricaine84.9 KB2013newsfrancais
Letter of Kennedy Graham MP to the Norwegian Nobel Committee
Letter of Kennedy Graham MP to the Norwegian Nobel Committee250.1 KB2013letterenglish
Intervention by Antalya Deputy Prof. Dr. Yusuf Ziya İRBEÇ in National Assembly of Turkey
Intervention by Antalya Deputy Prof. Dr. Yusuf Ziya İRBEÇ in National Assembly of Turkey53.3 KB2013speechenglish
Ibrahim Sorie Kamara appointed Ambassador to Belgium and the European Union
Ibrahim Sorie Kamara appointed Ambassador to Belgium and the European Union131.1 KB2013press-coverageenglish
Statement of Dep. Boubacar Diarra, President of PGA-Mali, regarding the opening of an investigation by the Prosecutor of the ICC for war crimes committed in Mali since January 2012.
Statement of Dep. Boubacar Diarra, President of PGA-Mali, regarding the opening of an investigation by the Prosecutor of the ICC for war crimes committed in Mali since January 2012.156.8 KB2013newsenglish
Citation du Député Boubacar DIARRA Président de PGA-Mali par rapport à l’Ouverture d’une enquête concernant les crimes de guerre commis au Mali
Citation du Député Boubacar DIARRA Président de PGA-Mali par rapport à l’Ouverture d’une enquête concernant les crimes de guerre commis au Mali130.5 KB2013newsfrancais
Remarks by Prof. Dr. Yusuf Ziya Irbec - 7th Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the International Criminal Court
Remarks by Prof. Dr. Yusuf Ziya Irbec – 7th Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the International Criminal Court114.8 KB2013speechenglish
Ghana: Gov Promises to Complete Child & Maternity Ward At KATH
Ghana: Gov Promises to Complete Child & Maternity Ward At KATH131.8 KB2012press-coverageenglish
Empowerment of rural women ending of hunger & poverty: International treaties: Fatima Nagdee-Hajaig, in presence of Minister
Empowerment of rural women ending of hunger & poverty: International treaties: Fatima Nagdee-Hajaig, in presence of Minister233.7 KB2012newsenglish
Sibal bats for satellite health centres
Sibal bats for satellite health centres134 KB2012press-coverageenglish
Congressman Howard Berman on Recent Events in U.S.-Israeli Relations
Congressman Howard Berman on Recent Events in U.S.-Israeli Relations95.3 KB2012press-coverageenglish
MPs Join Hands in Climate Battle
MPs Join Hands in Climate Battle145.8 KB2012press-coverageenglish
Agenda: Meeting of Experts: UN Security Council and th International Criminal Court
Agenda: Meeting of Experts: UN Security Council and th International Criminal Court170.6 KB2012agendaenglish
Meeting Report: The UN Security Council and the International Criminal Court (2012)
Meeting Report: The UN Security Council and the International Criminal Court (2012)302.7 KB2012event-reportenglish
Boxer, DeFazio Join Colleagues in Urging FDA to Require Labeling of Genetically Engineered Foods
Boxer, DeFazio Join Colleagues in Urging FDA to Require Labeling of Genetically Engineered Foods139.1 KB2012press-coverageenglish
Tunisia Hosts Workshop on Improving the Position of Women in Islamic Countries
Tunisia Hosts Workshop on Improving the Position of Women in Islamic Countries102.7 KB2012press-coverageenglish
Travail à Tunis pour la promotion du statut de la femme dans les pays islamiques
Travail à Tunis pour la promotion du statut de la femme dans les pays islamiques87.2 KB2012press-coveragefrancais
Conferencia en Túnez para promover la posición de la mujer en los países islámicos
Conferencia en Túnez para promover la posición de la mujer en los países islámicos223 KB2012press-coverageespanol
تونس العاصمة تشهد مبادرة لتحسين وضع المرأة في الدول الإسلامية
تونس العاصمة تشهد مبادرة لتحسين وضع المرأة في الدول الإسلامية162.9 KB2012press-coveragearabic
Tunis Plan of Action (Mar. 2012)
Tunis Plan of Action (Mar. 2012)116.9 KB2012plan-of-actionenglish
Plan d'Action de Tunis - Atelier Parlementaire sur l’Avancement de la Santé Maternelle et Reproductive et l'Egalité des Sexes dans les Pays Membres de l'Organisation de la Coopération Islamique (OCI)
Plan d’Action de Tunis – Atelier Parlementaire sur l’Avancement de la Santé Maternelle et Reproductive et l’Egalité des Sexes dans les Pays Membres de l’Organisation de la Coopération Islamique (OCI)109.9 KB2012plan-of-actionfrancais
ورشة برلمانية حول تعزيز صحة الأمهات والصحة الإنجابية والمساواة بين الجنسين في الدول الأعضاء
ورشة برلمانية حول تعزيز صحة الأمهات والصحة الإنجابية والمساواة بين الجنسين في الدول الأعضاء121.9 KB2012plan-of-actionarabic
UN Secretary-General: Message on International Women's Day 2012
UN Secretary-General: Message on International Women’s Day 2012133.4 KB2012newsenglish
Message publié à l’occasion de la Journée internationale de la femme
Message publié à l’occasion de la Journée internationale de la femme129.4 KB2012newsfrancais
El Secretario General: Mensaje en el Día Internacional de la Mujer
El Secretario General: Mensaje en el Día Internacional de la Mujer271.5 KB2012newsespanol
رسالة الأمین العام بمناسبة الیوم الدولي للمرأة
رسالة الأمین العام بمناسبة الیوم الدولي للمرأة121.7 KB2012newsarabic
Parliamentary Workshop: Advancing Maternal and Reproductive Health and Gender Equality in Member Countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
Parliamentary Workshop: Advancing Maternal and Reproductive Health and Gender Equality in Member Countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)317.2 KB2012event-reportenglish
Atelier Parlementaire: Promotion de la Santé Maternelle et Reproductive et l’Egalité du genre dans les Pays Membres de l’Organisation de la Coopération Islamique (OCI)
Atelier Parlementaire: Promotion de la Santé Maternelle et Reproductive et l’Egalité du genre dans les Pays Membres de l’Organisation de la Coopération Islamique (OCI)490.7 KB2012event-reportfrancais
تعزيز المساواة في النوع الاجتماعي وصحة الأم والصحة الإنجابية في البلدان الأعضاء في
تعزيز المساواة في النوع الاجتماعي وصحة الأم والصحة الإنجابية في البلدان الأعضاء في365.1 KB2012event-reportarabic
Agenda: Parliamentary Workshop on Advancing Maternal and Reproductive Health and Gender Equality in member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
Agenda: Parliamentary Workshop on Advancing Maternal and Reproductive Health and Gender Equality in member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)130.1 KB2012agendaenglish
List of Participants: Parliamentary Workshop on Advancing Maternal and Reproductive Health and Women's Rights
List of Participants: Parliamentary Workshop on Advancing Maternal and Reproductive Health and Women’s Rights150 KB2012agendaenglish
Agenda: Atelier Parlementaire sur la santé génésique et maternelle et l’égalité des femmes dans les pays membres de l’Organisation de la Coopération Islamique
Agenda: Atelier Parlementaire sur la santé génésique et maternelle et l’égalité des femmes dans les pays membres de l’Organisation de la Coopération Islamique210 KB2012agendafrancais
Background Document: Parliamentary Workshop on Advancing Maternal and Reproductive Health and Gender Equality in OIC member countries
Background Document: Parliamentary Workshop on Advancing Maternal and Reproductive Health and Gender Equality in OIC member countries212.7 KB2012agendaenglish
Atelier Parlementaire sur l’Avancement de la Santé Maternelle et Reproductive et l'Egalité des Genres dans les pays membres de l'Organisation de la Coopération Islamique (OCI)
Atelier Parlementaire sur l’Avancement de la Santé Maternelle et Reproductive et l’Egalité des Genres dans les pays membres de l’Organisation de la Coopération Islamique (OCI)197.2 KB2012agendafrancais
ورﺷﺔ ﻋﻤﻞ ﺑﺮﻟﻤﺎﻧﻴﻪ ﺣﻮل ﻣﻮﺿﻮع ﺗﻄﻮﻳﺮ اﻟﺼﺤﺔ اﻷﻣﻮﻣﻴﺔ واﻹﻧﺠﺎﺑﻴﺔ و اﻟﻤﺴﺎواة اﻟﺠﻨﺴﺎﻧﻴﺔ ﻓﻲ دول ﻣﻨﻈﻤﺔ اﻟﺘﻌﺎون اﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ )OIC(
ورﺷﺔ ﻋﻤﻞ ﺑﺮﻟﻤﺎﻧﻴﻪ ﺣﻮل ﻣﻮﺿﻮع ﺗﻄﻮﻳﺮ اﻟﺼﺤﺔ اﻷﻣﻮﻣﻴﺔ واﻹﻧﺠﺎﺑﻴﺔ و اﻟﻤﺴﺎواة اﻟﺠﻨﺴﺎﻧﻴﺔ ﻓﻲ دول ﻣﻨﻈﻤﺔ اﻟﺘﻌﺎون اﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ )OIC(149.7 KB2012agendaarabic
Speech by Senador Paulo Paim
Speech by Senador Paulo Paim471.5 KB2012speechenglish
Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich hailed by colleagues after primary loss - Los Angeles Times
Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich hailed by colleagues after primary loss – Los Angeles Times104.7 KB2012press-coverageenglish
PGA Consultations on Draft Bill 301/ 2007 implementing the Rome Statute in Brazil (Press)
PGA Consultations on Draft Bill 301/ 2007 implementing the Rome Statute in Brazil (Press)271.9 KB2012press-coverageenglish
Agenda: Inclusão na ordem interna do Brasil, do Estatuto de Roma do Tribunal Penal Internacional
Agenda: Inclusão na ordem interna do Brasil, do Estatuto de Roma do Tribunal Penal Internacional168.8 KB2012agendaenglish
Tenth Anniversary of the International Criminal Court: the Challenges of Complementarity
Tenth Anniversary of the International Criminal Court: the Challenges of Complementarity1.1 MB2012publicationenglish
Agenda: Side-Event on Gender Perspectives in the Use of Technology against the Impact of Climate Change and for Access to Clean Water and Energy
Agenda: Side-Event on Gender Perspectives in the Use of Technology against the Impact of Climate Change and for Access to Clean Water and Energy76.9 KB2012agendaenglish
CSW Side Event on Opportunities and Challenges in Improving Rural Women’s Access to Clean Water and Sustainable Energy
CSW Side Event on Opportunities and Challenges in Improving Rural Women’s Access to Clean Water and Sustainable Energy115.7 KB2012agendaenglish
Letter of H.V. Ross Robertson MP to Colleagues, Partners and Friends of PGA (Feb. 2012)
Letter of H.V. Ross Robertson MP to Colleagues, Partners and Friends of PGA (Feb. 2012)153.4 KB2012letterenglish
United Nations Secretary-General appoints PGA Secretary-General to UNDEF Advisory Board for 2012 -2013
United Nations Secretary-General appoints PGA Secretary-General to UNDEF Advisory Board for 2012 -2013102 KB2012newsenglish
PGA UN Newsletter (Apr. 2011)
PGA UN Newsletter (Apr. 2011)119.3 KB2011newsletterenglish
PGA ICC Campaign Calendar and Targets (April 2011)
PGA ICC Campaign Calendar and Targets (April 2011)165.5 KB2011calendarenglish
DRC PGA Member Hon. Sabine Bintu distinguished with a certificate of honor by the United Nations Association of the Democratic Republic of Congo (UNA-DRC)
DRC PGA Member Hon. Sabine Bintu distinguished with a certificate of honor by the United Nations Association of the Democratic Republic of Congo (UNA-DRC)88.2 KB2011newsenglish
In Memory of Moses Katjiuongua
In Memory of Moses Katjiuongua56.4 KB2011newsenglish
PGA UN Newsletter (March 2011)
PGA UN Newsletter (March 2011)145.9 KB2011newsletterenglish
Kuala-Lumpur Action Plan for the Universality of the Rome Statute of the ICC
Kuala-Lumpur Action Plan for the Universality of the Rome Statute of the ICC128.9 KB2011plan-of-actionenglish
PGA to Host Control Arms Coalition Project in New York (Mar. 2011)
PGA to Host Control Arms Coalition Project in New York (Mar. 2011)129.3 KB2011newsenglish
Press Release: Council of the European Union (Mar. 2011)
Press Release: Council of the European Union (Mar. 2011)89.6 KB2011newsenglish
PGA welcomes Government of Malaysia's decision to accede to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC)
PGA welcomes Government of Malaysia’s decision to accede to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC)92.1 KB2011newsenglish
ICC President builds support for the International Criminal Court during visit to Southeast Asia
ICC President builds support for the International Criminal Court during visit to Southeast Asia83.3 KB2011newsenglish
Malaysian Bar commends Malaysian Government’s intention to ratify the Rome Statute
Malaysian Bar commends Malaysian Government’s intention to ratify the Rome Statute105.5 KB2011newsenglish
PGA Delegation to the Steering Committee Meeting for the 2012 International Parliamentarians’ Conference on the Implementation of the International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action Programme of Action (IPCI-ICPD)
PGA Delegation to the Steering Committee Meeting for the 2012 International Parliamentarians’ Conference on the Implementation of the International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action Programme of Action (IPCI-ICPD)72.4 KB2011newsenglish
Reporte de la Conferencia de Revisión del Estatuto de Roma: Tareas pendientes para los miembros de la OEA
Reporte de la Conferencia de Revisión del Estatuto de Roma: Tareas pendientes para los miembros de la OEA135.7 KB2011event-reportenglish
List of Participants: Agenda: Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Consultation on the Universality of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
List of Participants: Agenda: Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Consultation on the Universality of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court135.4 KB2011list-of-participantsenglish
Agenda: Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Consultation on the Universality of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
Agenda: Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Consultation on the Universality of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court136.9 KB2011agendadeutsch
PGA applauds the decision of the President of the Philippines to refer the Rome Statute of the ICC for the approval of the Senate of the Philippines
PGA applauds the decision of the President of the Philippines to refer the Rome Statute of the ICC for the approval of the Senate of the Philippines99.9 KB2011newsenglish
PGA Welcomes the Intervention of the International Criminal Court in Libya and the Decision of Tunisia to Accede to the Rome Statute of the ICC
PGA Welcomes the Intervention of the International Criminal Court in Libya and the Decision of Tunisia to Accede to the Rome Statute of the ICC111 KB2011newsenglish
PGA UN Newsletter (Feb. 2011)
PGA UN Newsletter (Feb. 2011)123.1 KB2011newsletterenglish
Vacancy: PGA Assistant Secretary-General (Feb. 2011)
Vacancy: PGA Assistant Secretary-General (Feb. 2011)57.8 KB2011vacancyenglish
55th CSW Side Events (ATT/PrepCom)
55th CSW Side Events (ATT/PrepCom)84.1 KB2011newsenglish
PGA Statement on the Situation in Libya (22 Feb. 2011)
PGA Statement on the Situation in Libya (22 Feb. 2011)106.4 KB2011newsenglish
PGA Statement on Situation in Bahrain (17 February 2011)
PGA Statement on Situation in Bahrain (17 February 2011)90.6 KB2011statementenglish
Lost Values: Peddling Against Justice Decried
Lost Values: Peddling Against Justice Decried394.3 KB2011press-coverageenglish
Statement Delivered on Behalf of the PGA National Group at the Regional Roundtable Conference on the Implementation of the Rome Statute, Monrovia, Liberia
Statement Delivered on Behalf of the PGA National Group at the Regional Roundtable Conference on the Implementation of the Rome Statute, Monrovia, Liberia69 KB2011speechenglish
Regional Roundtable Discussion on Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Feb. 2011)
Regional Roundtable Discussion on Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Feb. 2011)133.6 KB2011newsenglish
Participating Country Progress Reports - ICC Implementation
Participating Country Progress Reports – ICC Implementation96.8 KB2011newsenglish
List of Participants: Agenda: Liberia Regional Roundtable Discussion on Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Feb. 2011)
List of Participants: Agenda: Liberia Regional Roundtable Discussion on Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Feb. 2011)137.1 KB2011list-of-participantsenglish
Agenda: Liberia Regional Roundtable Discussion on Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Feb. 2011)
Agenda: Liberia Regional Roundtable Discussion on Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Feb. 2011)222.3 KB2011agendaenglish
Table Ronde – Mise en oeuvre du Statut de Rome de la Cour Pénale Internationale en Afrique de l’Ouest
Table Ronde – Mise en oeuvre du Statut de Rome de la Cour Pénale Internationale en Afrique de l’Ouest156.5 KB2011agendafrancais
Declaration: Regional Roundtable Discussion on Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Feb. 2011)
Declaration: Regional Roundtable Discussion on Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Feb. 2011)149.7 KB2011declarationenglish
Table Ronde – Mise en oeuvre du Statut de Rome de la Cour Pénale Internationale en Afrique de l’Ouest (feb. 2011)
Table Ronde – Mise en oeuvre du Statut de Rome de la Cour Pénale Internationale en Afrique de l’Ouest (feb. 2011)123.4 KB2011declarationfrancais
Remarks by Hon. George Kuntu Blankson
Remarks by Hon. George Kuntu Blankson171.7 KB2011speechenglish
Remarks by Mrs. Fatou Bensouda
Remarks by Mrs. Fatou Bensouda170.6 KB2011speechenglish
Hon. Boubacar DIARRA (MALI)
Hon. Boubacar DIARRA (MALI)92.7 KB2011speechfrancais
Intervention de Albert David Gomez
Intervention de Albert David Gomez122.7 KB2011speechfrancais
Deputy Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda Meets with ECOWAS Parliamentarians in Monrovia, Liberia
Deputy Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda Meets with ECOWAS Parliamentarians in Monrovia, Liberia268.1 KB2011newsenglish
PGA UN Newsletter (Jan. 2011)
PGA UN Newsletter (Jan. 2011)140.8 KB2011newsletterenglish
6th Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians on the ICC and Rule of Law Concludes in Kampala, Uganda
6th Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians on the ICC and Rule of Law Concludes in Kampala, Uganda112 KB2010event-reportenglish
PGA Membership Brochure (2010)
PGA Membership Brochure (2010)911.9 KB2010brochureenglish
Formulaire d'Inscription (2010)
Formulaire d’Inscription (2010)60.8 KB2010membership-formfrancais
Response Form: 6th Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the International Criminal Court and the Rule of Law86.4 KB2010response-formenglish
Response Form: PGA’s 32nd Annual Forum (2010)122.4 KB2010response-formenglish
PGA ICC Campaign Calendar and Targets (2010-2012)155.4 KB2010calendarenglish
Calendar: PGA ICC Campaign 2010-2011158.7 KB2010calendarenglish
Strategic Consultations on Cooperation of States with the International Criminal Court (ICC): The Role of Parliamentarians (Dec. 2010)145.9 KB2010agendaenglish
PGA UN Newsletter (Dec. 2010)138.9 KB2010newsletterenglish
PGA Media Statement on Ivory Coast (Dec. 2010)107.4 KB2010newsenglish
PGA ICC Campaign Calendar and Targets (Dec. 2010)199.9 KB2010calendarenglish
Address by Dr. David Donat Cattin – IX Assembly of States Parties of the International Criminal Court99.5 KB2010speechenglish
Agenda: Panel on Cooporation with the International Criminal Court100 KB2010agendaenglish
Invitation: CICC Side Event on Cooperation with the International Criminal Court (Dec. 2010)107.7 KB2010invitationenglish
Regional meeting of Pacific States on ratification and implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court57.8 KB2010agendaenglish
L’action Mondiale Des Parlementaires (Pga) Salue L’absence Du President Soudanais Aux Ceremonies Du Cinquantenaire De L’independance En RCA140.1 KB2010newsenglish
PGA UN Newsletter (Nov. 2011)136 KB2010newsletterenglish
La Loi De Mise En Oeuvre Du Statut De Rome Declaree Recevable Par L’assemblee Nationale De La Republique Democratique Du Congo105.3 KB2010newsfrancais
Summary of Proceedings: PGA’s 32nd Annual Forum (Oct. 2010)225.2 KB2010event-reportenglish
List of Participants: 32nd Annual Forum (Oct. 2010)220.4 KB2010list-of-participantsenglish
Final Declaration: 32nd Annual Forum: Women’s Empowerment: Building Human Security102.4 KB2010declarationenglish
Background Document: 32nd PGA Annual Forum – Empowering Women: Building Human Security (Oct. 2010)268.5 KB2010background-informationenglish
Agenda: PGA’s 32nd Annual Forum (Oct. 2010)190.4 KB2010agendaenglish
PGA ICC Campaign Calendar and Targets (Oct. 2010)175.1 KB2010calendarenglish
Résolution : Table ronde : La lutte contre l’impunité dans la région de l’Afrique Centrale et les défis de la coopération avec la Cour Pénale Internationale81.8 KB2010resolutionfrancais
Table ronde : La lutte contre l’impunité dans la région de l’Afrique Centrale et les défis de la coopération avec la Cour Pénale Internationale136.8 KB2010agendafrancais
Délégation de Membres du Parlement de la République Démocratique du Congo à la CPI, 11-13 octobre 2010197.1 KB2010agendafrancais
Les Parlementaires Congolais Saluent L’arrestation De M. Mbarushimana, Dirigeant Des FDLR105.1 KB2010newsfrancais
Lista de Participantes: Misión de Legisladores de Chile a la Corte Penal Internacional87.2 KB2010list-of-participantsespanol
Agenda: Misión de Legisladores de Chile a la Corte Penal Internacional (Oct. 2007)103.1 KB2010agendaespanol
PGA UN Newsletter (Sep. 2010)84.8 KB2010newsletterenglish
PGA Announces Recipients of 15th Annual Defender of Democracy Awards79.6 KB2010announcementenglish
Letter to S.E. Prof Evariste BOSHAB (Sep. 2010)113 KB2010letterfrancais
Agenda: Misión de Legisladores de El Salvador a la Corte Penal Internacional (Sep. 2010)117.2 KB2010agendaespanol
Le Groupe National De L’action Mondiale Des Parlementaires (Pga) En RDC Condame La Visite Du President Soudanais Et L’absence De Son Arrestation Au Kenya99.7 KB2010newsfrancais
St. Lucia Joins the International Criminal court as its 113th State Party123.7 KB2010newsenglish
Republic of Seychelles Joins International Criminal Court as 112th State Party113.6 KB2010newsenglish
A 25 años del histórico Juicio a las Juntas Militares – Felipe Michelini (Aug. 2010)90.7 KB2010newsespanol
Statement by Dr. Bernadette Lahai, MP (Sierra Leone) at Side-Event to First UN Preparatory Committee on an Arms Trade Tready (13 July 2010)121.2 KB2010speechenglish
PGA Statement on Sudan (Jun. 2010)125.4 KB2010newsenglish
PGA ICC Campaign Calendar and Targets (15 June 2010)161.5 KB2010calendarenglish
Parliamentary Workshop on Halting Trafficking of Arms, Drugs and People (June 15, 2010)868.3 KB2010event-reportenglish
Agenda: Parliamentary Workshop on Halting Trafficking of Arms, Drugs and People120.7 KB2010agendaenglish
Sample Parliamentary Questions concerning the upcoming Review Conference of the Rome Statute of378.4 KB2010newsenglish
CAPVI Speech: Professeur Nyabirungu Mwene Songa109.7 KB2010speechfrancais
CAPVI Speech Bintu
CAPVI Speech Bintu176.1 KB2010speechfrancais
CAPVI Speech by Kula Segaran49.3 KB2010speechenglish
Keynote Remarks: Judge Sang-Hyun Song - CAP-ICC (May 2010)
Keynote Remarks: Judge Sang-Hyun Song – CAP-ICC (May 2010)124.9 KB2010speechenglish
Speech by Felipe Michelini (May 2010)
Speech by Felipe Michelini (May 2010)70.6 KB2010speechespanol
CAPVI Speech Dulloo
CAPVI Speech Dulloo87.4 KB2010speechfrancais
Speech by Baroness Vivien Stern at 6th Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the International Criminal Court (ICC) & the Rule of Law83.7 KB2010speechenglish
Logistical Information, Uganda (May 2010)105.4 KB2010logistical-noteenglish
Logistical Information: CAP-ICC VI (May 2010)203.4 KB2010logistical-noteenglish
Información Logística: CAP-ICC VI245.2 KB2010logistical-noteespanol
Kampala Plan of Action for the Effectiveness and Universality of the Rome Statute111.5 KB2010plan-of-actionenglish
Plan d’Action de Kampala pour l’effectivité et l’universalité du système de Statut de Rome159.4 KB2010plan-of-actionfrancais
Plan de Acción de Kampala para la Efectividad y la Universalidad del Sistema del Estatuto de Roma138.1 KB2010plan-of-actionespanol
List of Participants: 6th CAP-ICC (May 2010)376.5 KB2010list-of-participantsenglish
Agenda: 6th Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the ICC and the Rule of Law131.8 KB2010agendaenglish
Programme: 6ème Session de l’Assemblée Consultative des Parlementaires pour la Cour Pénale Internationale (CPI) & l’Etat de Droit251.5 KB2010agendafrancais
Programa: 6a Asamblea Consultiva de Parlamentarios para la Corte Penal Internacional y el Estado de Derecho128.4 KB2010agendaespanol
Letter of Secretariat of the Assembly of States Parties to Shazia Rafi50.4 KB2010letterenglish
PGA ICC Campaign – Calendar and Targets (Apr. 2010)264.5 KB2010calendarenglish
PGA ICC Campaign – Calendar and Targets (2010)263.4 KB2010calendarenglish
Journal de TRIAL (n°21 Avril 2010)845.5 KB2010newsfrancais
The role of Justice in the Peace Process – implementing the Rome Statute of the ICC in the DRC138.8 KB2010press-coverageenglish
Agenda: PGA Strategy Meeting on the Arms Trade Treaty (8th April 2010)71.4 KB2010agendaenglish
List of Participants: Parallel Side Meeting to the 54th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) (Mar. 2010)131.8 KB2010list-of-participantsenglish
Agenda: Parallel Side Meeting to the 54th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) (Mar. 2010)165 KB2010agendaenglish
Bangladesh Becomes the 111th State Party to the Rome Statute of the ICC104 KB2010newsenglish
Letter to S.E. Dep Evariste Boshab (Mar. 2010)127.7 KB2010letterfrancais
Albalad (01 mars 2010)1.5 MB2010press-coveragefrancais
PGA ICC Campaign Calendar and Targets (Feb. 2010)261.5 KB2010calendarenglish
Resolution: Conference on ICC Implementing Legislation in African Indian Ocean countries109.6 KB2010resolutionenglish
Résolution : Conférence sur la loi de mise en oeuvre du Statut de Rome de la Cour Pénale Internationale dans les pays africains de l’Océan Indien112 KB2010resolutionfrancais
Summary of Proceedings: Conference on Implementing Legislation of the Rome Statute of the ICC in African Indian Ocean countries109.6 KB2010event-reportenglish
Rapport des travaux: Conférence sur la loi de mise en oeuvre du Statut de Rome de la Cour Pénale Internationale dans les pays africains de l’Océan Indien104.1 KB2010event-reportfrancais
Background: Conference on Implementing Legislation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in African Indian Ocean countries95.5 KB2010background-informationenglish
Conférence sur la loi de mise en oeuvre du Statut de Rome de la Cour Pénale Internationale dans les pays africains de l’Océan Indien91.6 KB2010background-informationfrancais
Agenda: Conference on ICC Implementing Legislation in African Indian Ocean Countries (Feb. 2010)116 KB2010agendaenglish
Agenda: Conférence sur la loi de mise en oeuvre du Statut de Rome de la Cour Pénale Internationale dans les pays africains de l’Océan Indien (Feb. 2010)130 KB2010agendafrancais
Mise en oeuvre du statut de Rome de la CPI: Une synergie de lutte contre les crimes de guerre et de génocide561.2 KB2010newsfrancais
Speech: Implementation of the ICC Statute in Tanzania – Hon. Pindi Chana, MP Tanzania67.3 KB2010speechenglish
Emmanuel Adubango Ali: La Loi De Mise En Oeuvre Du Statut De Rome Dans La Legislation Congolaise85.2 KB2010speechfrancais
Liste des Participants (Feb. 2010)154.7 KB2010list-of-participantsenglish
Communication de l’Honorable ATEBY Williams (Feb. 2010)277.8 KB2010speechenglish
Hacia la Conferencia de Revisión del Estatuto de Roma: Retos Hemisféricos en la Consolidación del Imperio de la Ley a nivel global169.4 KB2010newsespanol
PGA Statement on Haiti112.9 KB2010newsenglish
PGA Welcomes Voluntary Surrender of Darfurian Rebel Leader To The ICC
PGA Welcomes Voluntary Surrender of Darfurian Rebel Leader To The ICC217.5 KB2009newsenglish
PGA Announces Recipients of 14th Annual Defender of Democracy Awards
PGA Announces Recipients of 14th Annual Defender of Democracy Awards148.4 KB2009announcementenglish
List of Participants: Strategy Session - Role of Parliamentarians in Addressing the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
List of Participants: Strategy Session – Role of Parliamentarians in Addressing the Rights of Persons with Disabilities108.5 KB2009list-of-participantsenglish
Agenda: Role of Parliamentarians in addressing the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (May 2009)
Agenda: Role of Parliamentarians in addressing the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (May 2009)126 KB2009agendaenglish
Nairobi Statement on Implementation of the Rome Statute (Apr. 2009)
Nairobi Statement on Implementation of the Rome Statute (Apr. 2009)105.1 KB2009newsenglish
Carta PGA CPI - Senadores Chilenos (Abril 2009)
Carta PGA CPI – Senadores Chilenos (Abril 2009)111.8 KB2009newsenglish
Temor a la Corte Penal Internacional (Nicaragua) (Apr. 2009)
Temor a la Corte Penal Internacional (Nicaragua) (Apr. 2009)307.5 KB2009press-coverageespanol
Instan al país a ratificar Estatuto de Roma (Apr. 2009)
Instan al país a ratificar Estatuto de Roma (Apr. 2009)313.6 KB2009press-coverageespanol
Mot de cloture du Bureau du Senat
Mot de cloture du Bureau du Senat88.7 KB2009newsenglish
Agenda: Consultas sobre la Corte Penal Internacional
Agenda: Consultas sobre la Corte Penal Internacional109.8 KB2009agendaespanol
List of Participants: PGA Regional East African Parliamentary Workshop on the Implementation of the Rome Statute: Nairobi, 23-24 April, 2009
List of Participants: PGA Regional East African Parliamentary Workshop on the Implementation of the Rome Statute: Nairobi, 23-24 April, 200964.3 KB2009list-of-participantsenglish
Agenda: PGA Regional East African Parliamentary Workshop on the Implementation of The Rome Statute
Agenda: PGA Regional East African Parliamentary Workshop on the Implementation of The Rome Statute133.1 KB2009agendaenglish
Letter to Chilean Senators (April 2009) (español)
Letter to Chilean Senators (April 2009) (español)111.8 KB2009letterenglish
Cantero valora Ley que sanciona violación a los Derechos Humanos
Cantero valora Ley que sanciona violación a los Derechos Humanos52 KB2009newsenglish
Séminaire d’Information et d’Echange des Parlementaires Congolais sur la Loi de mise en ouvre du Statut de Rome
Séminaire d’Information et d’Echange des Parlementaires Congolais sur la Loi de mise en ouvre du Statut de Rome178.5 KB2009agendaenglish
H. RES. 262
H. RES. 262155.4 KB2009government-publicationenglish
Speech by Khalil Ibrahim Al-Marzooq (16 March 2009)
Speech by Khalil Ibrahim Al-Marzooq (16 March 2009)213.9 KB2009speechenglish
PGA applauds the decision of the Government of Pakistan to reinstate former Chief Justice Ifitkhar Muhammad Chaudhry
PGA applauds the decision of the Government of Pakistan to reinstate former Chief Justice Ifitkhar Muhammad Chaudhry84.3 KB2009newsenglish
Agenda: Working Group on the Universality of the ICC in the Middle East and the Mediterranean (MEMED) (Mar. 2009)
Agenda: Working Group on the Universality of the ICC in the Middle East and the Mediterranean (MEMED) (Mar. 2009)114.1 KB2009agendaenglish
Intervention of Hon. Mr. M.J. Nolan, T.D. (MP) (15 March 2009)
Intervention of Hon. Mr. M.J. Nolan, T.D. (MP) (15 March 2009)104.8 KB2009speechenglish
Third Meeting of Arab Eastern Group of PGA in Bahrain (Mar. 2009)
Third Meeting of Arab Eastern Group of PGA in Bahrain (Mar. 2009)105.2 KB2009newsenglish
PGA Welcomes Decision of International Criminal Court in Connection with President of Sudan
PGA Welcomes Decision of International Criminal Court in Connection with President of Sudan271.2 KB2009newsenglish
Pga Accueillit La Décision De La CPI Concernat Le Président Du Soudan (Mar. 2009)
Pga Accueillit La Décision De La CPI Concernat Le Président Du Soudan (Mar. 2009)140.2 KB2009newsfrancais
Kathmandu Declaration of Action - Parliamentary Seminar on HIV Policy
Kathmandu Declaration of Action – Parliamentary Seminar on HIV Policy154.6 KB2009declarationenglish
List of Participants: Parliamentary Seminar on HIV Policy (Kathmadu, Nepal) (Feb. 2009)
List of Participants: Parliamentary Seminar on HIV Policy (Kathmadu, Nepal) (Feb. 2009)202.6 KB2009list-of-participantsenglish
Agenda: Parliamentary Seminar on HIV Policy (Kathmandu, Nepal) (Feb. 2009)
Agenda: Parliamentary Seminar on HIV Policy (Kathmandu, Nepal) (Feb. 2009)124.6 KB2009agendaenglish
PGA Statement on the Situation in Pakistan
PGA Statement on the Situation in Pakistan74.3 KB2009newsenglish
Calendar: PGA ICC Campaign 2008-2009
Calendar: PGA ICC Campaign 2008-2009185 KB2009calendarenglish
PGA Statement on Restoring Girls’ Education in Swat, Pakistan
PGA Statement on Restoring Girls’ Education in Swat, Pakistan69.6 KB2009newsenglish
Report by Minou Tavarez Mirabal MP on Emergency Mission to Haiti (Jan. 2009)
Report by Minou Tavarez Mirabal MP on Emergency Mission to Haiti (Jan. 2009)119.1 KB2009event-reportenglish
PGA Statement on the Conflict in the Gaza Strip (Jan. 2009)
PGA Statement on the Conflict in the Gaza Strip (Jan. 2009)102.9 KB2009newsenglish
The Cook Islands Becomes the 108th State Party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC)
The Cook Islands Becomes the 108th State Party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC)102 KB2008newsenglish
Les Iles Cook Deviennent Le 108 Etat Partie Au Statut De Rome De La Cour Penale Internationale (CPI)
Les Iles Cook Deviennent Le 108 Etat Partie Au Statut De Rome De La Cour Penale Internationale (CPI)82.5 KB2008newsfrancais
Las Islas Cook Se Convierten En El Estado Parte 108 Del Estatuto De Roma De La Corte Penal Internacional
Las Islas Cook Se Convierten En El Estado Parte 108 Del Estatuto De Roma De La Corte Penal Internacional136.7 KB2008newsespanol
List of Participants: The UN Plan of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons
List of Participants: The UN Plan of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons141.8 KB2008list-of-participantsenglish
Agenda: The UN Plan of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons & the Arms Trade Treaty - The Role of Parliamentarians (July 2008)
Agenda: The UN Plan of Action on Small Arms and Light Weapons & the Arms Trade Treaty – The Role of Parliamentarians (July 2008)99.5 KB2008agendaenglish
Address by Ms. Ruth Wijdenbosch, MP (17 July 2008)
Address by Ms. Ruth Wijdenbosch, MP (17 July 2008)114.5 KB2008speechenglish
PGA ICC Campaign 2008-2009 - Calendar and Targets
PGA ICC Campaign 2008-2009 – Calendar and Targets157 KB2008calendarenglish
Parliament of Suriname Approves Accession to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
Parliament of Suriname Approves Accession to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court128 KB2008newsenglish
Entrevista con Hernán Larraín: "Hemos avanzado con la Corte Penal Internacional"
Entrevista con Hernán Larraín: “Hemos avanzado con la Corte Penal Internacional”87.8 KB2008newsenglish
Speech: H.E. Ms. M.W.J.A. Tanya van Gool
Speech: H.E. Ms. M.W.J.A. Tanya van Gool65.8 KB2008speechenglish
Toespraak H.E. Ms. M.W.J.A. Tanya van Gool, Ambassadeur van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden in de Republiek Suriname
Toespraak H.E. Ms. M.W.J.A. Tanya van Gool, Ambassadeur van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden in de Republiek Suriname66.6 KB2008speechnederlands
Speech: Dr. Ruth Wijdenbosch, MP
Speech: Dr. Ruth Wijdenbosch, MP82.6 KB2008speechenglish
Opening Speech by Hon. Paul H. Somoharjdo
Opening Speech by Hon. Paul H. Somoharjdo162.1 KB2008speechenglish
Press Coverage (Dutch): Parliamentary Regional Seminar: International Justice and Security (Suriname)
Press Coverage (Dutch): Parliamentary Regional Seminar: International Justice and Security (Suriname)2.9 MB2008press-coveragenederlands
Parliamentary Regional Seminar: International Justice and Security (Suriname) (Jun. 2008)
Parliamentary Regional Seminar: International Justice and Security (Suriname) (Jun. 2008)124.8 KB2008agendaenglish
Paramaribo Regional Parliamentary Seminar - International Justice and Security - The Role of the International Criminal Court (ICC)
Paramaribo Regional Parliamentary Seminar – International Justice and Security – The Role of the International Criminal Court (ICC)110.4 KB2008agendanederlands
Agenda: Seminario Regional Parlamentario Seguridad y Justicia Internacional: Papel de la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI)
Agenda: Seminario Regional Parlamentario Seguridad y Justicia Internacional: Papel de la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI)137.4 KB2008agendaespanol
Paramaribo Plan of Parliamentary Action
Paramaribo Plan of Parliamentary Action191.2 KB2008plan-of-actionenglish
Speech: Ambassador Albert R. Ramdin
Speech: Ambassador Albert R. Ramdin207.1 KB2008speechenglish
Diputada Alba Palacios: Desafíos para la Ratificación del Estatuto de Roma en Centroamérica
Diputada Alba Palacios: Desafíos para la Ratificación del Estatuto de Roma en Centroamérica156.4 KB2008speechespanol
Statement by PGA on the Situation in Zimbabwe (Jun. 2008)
Statement by PGA on the Situation in Zimbabwe (Jun. 2008)106.4 KB2008newsenglish
Letter of Parliamentarians to US President on situation in Sudan
Letter of Parliamentarians to US President on situation in Sudan1.7 MB2008letterenglish
Parliamentarians For Global Action Welcomes The Arrest Of Jean-pierre Bemba And Calls For The Application Of The Principle Of Equality Of All Before The Law
Parliamentarians For Global Action Welcomes The Arrest Of Jean-pierre Bemba And Calls For The Application Of The Principle Of Equality Of All Before The Law121.2 KB2008newsenglish
Resolution on Justice for Darfur
Resolution on Justice for Darfur126.7 KB2008resolutionenglish
List of Participants: Strategy Meeting On The International Criminal Court (Icc) And The Responsibility To Protect The Civilian Population In Darfur And Tibet
List of Participants: Strategy Meeting On The International Criminal Court (Icc) And The Responsibility To Protect The Civilian Population In Darfur And Tibet126.9 KB2008list-of-participantsenglish
Agenda: Strategy Meeting On The International Criminal Court (Icc) And The Responsibility To Protect The Civilian Population In Darfur And Tibet
Agenda: Strategy Meeting On The International Criminal Court (Icc) And The Responsibility To Protect The Civilian Population In Darfur And Tibet114.8 KB2008agendaenglish
List of Participants: PGA Seminar on the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness
List of Participants: PGA Seminar on the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness131 KB2008list-of-participantsenglish
Agenda: PGA Seminar on the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness
Agenda: PGA Seminar on the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness167 KB2008agendaenglish
PGA Seminar on the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness - The Role of Parliamentarians in Achieving Alignment: Health and Economic Growth in the Americas
PGA Seminar on the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness – The Role of Parliamentarians in Achieving Alignment: Health and Economic Growth in the Americas60.9 KB2008declarationenglish
Agenda: Enhancing Good Governance and the Rule of Law in the Pacific Islands
Agenda: Enhancing Good Governance and the Rule of Law in the Pacific Islands133.9 KB2008agendaenglish
Samoa Plan of Action
Samoa Plan of Action109 KB2008plan-of-actionenglish
PGA Statement on Power-Sharing Agreement reached in Kenya (March 2008)
PGA Statement on Power-Sharing Agreement reached in Kenya (March 2008)38.5 KB2008newsenglish
Agenda: Roundtable Discussion: Migrant Workers, Their Families and Their Health:
Agenda: Roundtable Discussion: Migrant Workers, Their Families and Their Health:117.9 KB2008agendaenglish
PGA Statement on Elections in Pakistan (Feb. 2008)
PGA Statement on Elections in Pakistan (Feb. 2008)96 KB2008statementenglish
PGA Urges Indonesian Government to Transmit to Parliament the International Criminal Court (ICC) Accession Bill
PGA Urges Indonesian Government to Transmit to Parliament the International Criminal Court (ICC) Accession Bill122.9 KB2008newsenglish
Agenda: Assemblée Parlementaire Paritaire (Mar. 2008)
Agenda: Assemblée Parlementaire Paritaire (Mar. 2008)131.5 KB2008agendafrancais
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adopts innovative pro-ICC Resolution
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adopts innovative pro-ICC Resolution181.7 KB2008newsenglish
Press Coverage of PGA Regional Roundtable in Sierra Leone
Press Coverage of PGA Regional Roundtable in Sierra Leone334.8 KB2008press-coverageenglish
Agenda: PGA Regional Roundtable Discussion, Sierra Leone (Jan. 2008)
Agenda: PGA Regional Roundtable Discussion, Sierra Leone (Jan. 2008)139.1 KB2008agendaenglish
PGA Freetown Parliamentary Statement On The Situation In Kenya (Jan. 2008)
PGA Freetown Parliamentary Statement On The Situation In Kenya (Jan. 2008)118.1 KB2008newsenglish
List of Participants: Provincial Parliamentary Seminar on HIV & AIDS Policy (Peshawar, Pakistan) (Apr. 2007)
List of Participants: Provincial Parliamentary Seminar on HIV & AIDS Policy (Peshawar, Pakistan) (Apr. 2007)155.9 KB2007list-of-participantsenglish
Agenda: Provincial Parliamentary Seminar on HIV & AIDS Policy (Peshawar, Pakistan) (Apr. 2007)
Agenda: Provincial Parliamentary Seminar on HIV & AIDS Policy (Peshawar, Pakistan) (Apr. 2007)169.9 KB2007agendaenglish
The AU-EU Security Dialogue: Towards a Common Agenda for De-mining and Disarmament
The AU-EU Security Dialogue: Towards a Common Agenda for De-mining and Disarmament111.3 KB2007newsenglish
Japan Adopts Legislation to Join and Cooperate with the International Criminal Court (Apr. 2007)
Japan Adopts Legislation to Join and Cooperate with the International Criminal Court (Apr. 2007)337.5 KB2007newsenglish
PGA Welcomes Commitment by Bangladeshi Caretaker Government to Hold Elections in 2008
PGA Welcomes Commitment by Bangladeshi Caretaker Government to Hold Elections in 2008191.3 KB2007newsenglish
Agenda: Interparliamentary meeting for the creation of a EPF Taskforce on Malaria (Apr. 2007)
Agenda: Interparliamentary meeting for the creation of a EPF Taskforce on Malaria (Apr. 2007)16.7 KB2007agendaenglish
Shortcomings of Balochistan health system highlighted
Shortcomings of Balochistan health system highlighted264.9 KB2007press-coverageenglish
HIV Prevention, control collective responsibility of all quarters
HIV Prevention, control collective responsibility of all quarters137.2 KB2007press-coverageenglish
Statement ofRep. Mayumi Moriyama on Japan's Accession to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
Statement ofRep. Mayumi Moriyama on Japan’s Accession to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court149.4 KB2007newsenglish
PGA Congratulates the Yemeni Parliament and Looks Forward to Yemen Swiftly Becoming the 105th State Party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
PGA Congratulates the Yemeni Parliament and Looks Forward to Yemen Swiftly Becoming the 105th State Party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court87.4 KB2007newsenglish
Statement of Senator Raynell Andreychuk (Canada)
Statement of Senator Raynell Andreychuk (Canada)172.8 KB2007statementenglish
Agenda: Towards Indonesia’s Accession to the Rome Statute? (Feb. 2007)
Agenda: Towards Indonesia’s Accession to the Rome Statute? (Feb. 2007)101 KB2007agendaenglish
Senegal: Loi nº 2007-05 du 12 févricr 2007 modifiant le Code de la Procédure pénale relative
Senegal: Loi nº 2007-05 du 12 févricr 2007 modifiant le Code de la Procédure pénale relative290.3 KB2007newsfrancais
Indonesia to join criminal court - Jakarta Post (Feb. 2007)
Indonesia to join criminal court – Jakarta Post (Feb. 2007)284.9 KB2007press-coverageenglish
Philippines Plan of Action (Feb. 2007)
Philippines Plan of Action (Feb. 2007)96.1 KB2007plan-of-actionenglish
Parliamentarians from across Asia and the World meet in The Philippines to consider regulation of Small Arms and Light Weapons and a Proposed Arms Trade Treaty
Parliamentarians from across Asia and the World meet in The Philippines to consider regulation of Small Arms and Light Weapons and a Proposed Arms Trade Treaty142.8 KB2007newsenglish
Agenda: PGA Asian Parliamentary Workshop on Small Arms and Light Weapons and the Proposed Arms Trade Treaty
Agenda: PGA Asian Parliamentary Workshop on Small Arms and Light Weapons and the Proposed Arms Trade Treaty137.5 KB2007agendadeutsch
Letter of Department for Disarmament Affairs
Letter of Department for Disarmament Affairs135.3 KB2007letterenglish
Le Département deif affaires de désarmement présente ses compliinents
Le Département deif affaires de désarmement présente ses compliinents122.8 KB2007letterfrancais
El Departamento de Asuntos de Desarmé
El Departamento de Asuntos de Desarmé154.6 KB2007letterespanol
Letter of Department for Disarmamaent Affairs
Letter of Department for Disarmamaent Affairs115.3 KB2007letterenglish
Le Département des affaires de désarmementprésente ses compliments
Le Département des affaires de désarmementprésente ses compliments108 KB2007newsfrancais
El Departamento de Asuntos de Desarme saluda atentament
El Departamento de Asuntos de Desarme saluda atentament134.3 KB2007newsespanol
Panel Discussion on The Role of Parliamentarians in the ICC Process (Nov. 2006)
Panel Discussion on The Role of Parliamentarians in the ICC Process (Nov. 2006)148.5 KB2006newsenglish
Speech by Mr. President Bruno Stagno, Fifth Assembly of States Parties (Nov. 2006)
Speech by Mr. President Bruno Stagno, Fifth Assembly of States Parties (Nov. 2006)119.2 KB2006speechenglish
Government of Japan and Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) Announce Parliamentary Forum on Human Security and the International Criminal Court, Tokyo, December 4, 5, 2006
Government of Japan and Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA) Announce Parliamentary Forum on Human Security and the International Criminal Court, Tokyo, December 4, 5, 2006115 KB2006announcementenglish
Chad Becomes the 104th State Party of the International Criminal Court (Nov. 2006)
Chad Becomes the 104th State Party of the International Criminal Court (Nov. 2006)93.8 KB2006newsenglish
Le Tchad Devient Le 104e Etat Partie De La Cour Penale Internationale (Nov. 2006)
Le Tchad Devient Le 104e Etat Partie De La Cour Penale Internationale (Nov. 2006)88.9 KB2006newsfrancais
Provincial Parliamentary Seminar on HIV/AIDS Policy in Lahore, Pakistan
Provincial Parliamentary Seminar on HIV/AIDS Policy in Lahore, Pakistan97.6 KB2006newsenglish
PGA Announces Recipients of the 11th Annual Defender of Democracy Awards
PGA Announces Recipients of the 11th Annual Defender of Democracy Awards130.8 KB2006announcementenglish
Agenda: Asian Parliamentarians' Consultation on the Universality of the International Criminal Court
Agenda: Asian Parliamentarians’ Consultation on the Universality of the International Criminal Court184.7 KB2006agendaenglish
The Comoros Joins the International Criminal Court as its 101st State Party
The Comoros Joins the International Criminal Court as its 101st State Party93.7 KB2006newsenglish
L'union Des Comores Rejoint La Cour Penale Internationale Et En Devient Le 101e Etat Partie
L’union Des Comores Rejoint La Cour Penale Internationale Et En Devient Le 101e Etat Partie91.8 KB2006newsfrancais
Action Plan for the Working Group of the CAP-ICC - Asian Parliamentarians' Consultation on the Universality of the ICC
Action Plan for the Working Group of the CAP-ICC – Asian Parliamentarians’ Consultation on the Universality of the ICC169.3 KB2006plan-of-actionenglish
Agenda: Parliamentary Workshop - Small Arms and Light Weapons - Tbilisi, Georgia (Jun. 2006)
Agenda: Parliamentary Workshop – Small Arms and Light Weapons – Tbilisi, Georgia (Jun. 2006)307.6 KB2006agendaenglish
Agenda: Strategy Meeting of the Working Groups of the Consultative Assembly of Parliamentrians for the ICC and the Rule of Law (Jun. 2006)
Agenda: Strategy Meeting of the Working Groups of the Consultative Assembly of Parliamentrians for the ICC and the Rule of Law (Jun. 2006)153.3 KB2006agendaenglish
Tbilisi Plan of Action (Jun. 2006)
Tbilisi Plan of Action (Jun. 2006)83.6 KB2006plan-of-actionenglish
Parliamentarians Gather in Tbilisi, Georgia to Discuss Small Arms and Light Weapons Controls and Regulation
Parliamentarians Gather in Tbilisi, Georgia to Discuss Small Arms and Light Weapons Controls and Regulation139.2 KB2006newsenglish
Bahrain to Ratify International Criminal Court Soon
Bahrain to Ratify International Criminal Court Soon109 KB2006newsenglish
Proceso En Contra De Lider Guerrillero Congolés Inscribe El Inicio De Una Nueva Etapa En La Historia De La Corte Penal Internacional
Proceso En Contra De Lider Guerrillero Congolés Inscribe El Inicio De Una Nueva Etapa En La Historia De La Corte Penal Internacional109.5 KB2006newsespanol
First Proceedings Against Congolese Warlord Mark a New Phase in International Criminal Court's History
First Proceedings Against Congolese Warlord Mark a New Phase in International Criminal Court’s History51.1 KB2006newsenglish
Dakar Plan of Action (Mar. 2006)
Dakar Plan of Action (Mar. 2006)604.6 KB2006plan-of-actionenglish
Des parlementaires africains situent leur propre responsabilité
Des parlementaires africains situent leur propre responsabilité470.9 KB2006press-coverageenglish
PGA Regional Seminar: The Role of Parliament and Parliamentarians in addressing Small Arms, Conflict Prevention and Transitional Democracy and Justice in Africa
PGA Regional Seminar: The Role of Parliament and Parliamentarians in addressing Small Arms, Conflict Prevention and Transitional Democracy and Justice in Africa684.1 KB2006agendaenglish
Global Parliamentary Organization Welcomes Important Step Forward By International Criminal Court Concerning Darfur, Sudan
Global Parliamentary Organization Welcomes Important Step Forward By International Criminal Court Concerning Darfur, Sudan48.6 KB2006newsenglish
L'organisation Mondiale Parlementaire Accueille Chaleureusement Cet Important Pas En Avant De La Cour Penale Internationale Concernant Le Darfour, Soudan
L’organisation Mondiale Parlementaire Accueille Chaleureusement Cet Important Pas En Avant De La Cour Penale Internationale Concernant Le Darfour, Soudan318.4 KB2006newsfrancais
Agenda: Second Sub-Regional Parliamentary Seminar on HIV/AIDS in South Asia
Agenda: Second Sub-Regional Parliamentary Seminar on HIV/AIDS in South Asia169.4 KB2006agendaenglish
Press Coverage of Second Sub-Regional South Asian Parliamentary Seminar on HIV/AIDS
Press Coverage of Second Sub-Regional South Asian Parliamentary Seminar on HIV/AIDS1.2 MB2006press-coverageenglish
Agenda: Provincial Parliamentary Seminar on HIV & AIDS Policy (Jan. 2006)
Agenda: Provincial Parliamentary Seminar on HIV & AIDS Policy (Jan. 2006)165.1 KB2006agendaenglish
Pakistan Provincial Action Plans - Provincial Parliamentary Seminar on HIV & AIDS Policy
Pakistan Provincial Action Plans – Provincial Parliamentary Seminar on HIV & AIDS Policy84.9 KB2006newsenglish
Dhaka Declaration of Action
Dhaka Declaration of Action117.1 KB2006declarationenglish
Pakistani Legislators, International Policy-Makers, & UN Representatives to Meet to Discuss Priorities for Containing the HIV Epidemic in Pakistan
Pakistani Legislators, International Policy-Makers, & UN Representatives to Meet to Discuss Priorities for Containing the HIV Epidemic in Pakistan109.1 KB2006newsenglish
Parliamentarians Cross Political Party Lines to Address HIV & AIDS (Jan. 2006)
Parliamentarians Cross Political Party Lines to Address HIV & AIDS (Jan. 2006)120.5 KB2006newsenglish
2004 Annual Report - Parliamentarians for Global Action
2004 Annual Report – Parliamentarians for Global Action6.1 MB2004annual-reportenglish
PGA Membership Form (2004) (English)
PGA Membership Form (2004) (English)101.8 KB2004membership-formenglish
Regulation No 122-2004 on the safety of fishing vessels of 15 metres in length overall and over, as amended
Regulation No 122-2004 on the safety of fishing vessels of 15 metres in length overall and over, as amended1.1 MB2004government-publicationenglish
Credit Card Authorization Form (2004)
Credit Card Authorization Form (2004)47.2 KB2004payment-formenglish
Response Form: PGA CAP-ICC III (2004)
Response Form: PGA CAP-ICC III (2004)83.5 KB2004response-formenglish
A Deterrent International Criminal Court – The Ultimate Objective
A Deterrent International Criminal Court – The Ultimate Objective138.5 KB2004newsenglish
Une Cour Pénale Internationale de dissuasion - Objectif Fondamental
Une Cour Pénale Internationale de dissuasion – Objectif Fondamental129.8 KB2004newsfrancais
Formulaire de reponse: CAP-ICC III (Dec. 2004)
Formulaire de reponse: CAP-ICC III (Dec. 2004)94 KB2004registration-formenglish
Wellington Resolution on the International Criminal Court (ICC), Multilateralism and International Cooperation
Wellington Resolution on the International Criminal Court (ICC), Multilateralism and International Cooperation165.1 KB2004resolutionenglish
List of Participants: PGA’s 26th Annual Forum (December 2004)
List of Participants: PGA’s 26th Annual Forum (December 2004)145.2 KB2004list-of-participantsenglish
Agenda: PGA’s 26th Annual Forum (December 2004)
Agenda: PGA’s 26th Annual Forum (December 2004)134.4 KB2004agendaenglish
Agenda: Uganda Regional Seminar on Security Sector Reform (Oct. 2004)
Agenda: Uganda Regional Seminar on Security Sector Reform (Oct. 2004)146.8 KB2004agendaenglish
Kampala Declaration (14-15 October 2004)
Kampala Declaration (14-15 October 2004)101.1 KB2004declarationenglish
Parliamentarians Urge Security Council To Stop The Violence In Darfur And Bring To Justice Perpetrators Of Crimes Against Humanity
Parliamentarians Urge Security Council To Stop The Violence In Darfur And Bring To Justice Perpetrators Of Crimes Against Humanity131.9 KB2004newsenglish
PGA Announces Recipients of the 2004 Defender of Democracy Awards
PGA Announces Recipients of the 2004 Defender of Democracy Awards126.1 KB2004announcementenglish
Parliamentary Delegation to the Assembly of States Parties of the ICC (Sep. 2004)
Parliamentary Delegation to the Assembly of States Parties of the ICC (Sep. 2004)196.4 KB2004newsenglish
Parliamentary Dialogue between Zimbabwean PGA members and United Kingdom PGA Members
Parliamentary Dialogue between Zimbabwean PGA members and United Kingdom PGA Members151.6 KB2004newsenglish
List of Participants: Seminar on Parliamentary Ethics and Accountability (Jun. 2004)
List of Participants: Seminar on Parliamentary Ethics and Accountability (Jun. 2004)130.2 KB2004list-of-participantsenglish
Agenda: Seminar on Parliamentary Ethics and Accountability (June 3-4, 2004)
Agenda: Seminar on Parliamentary Ethics and Accountability (June 3-4, 2004)136.5 KB2004agendaenglish
Seminar on Parliamentary Ethics and Accountability (Jun. 2004)
Seminar on Parliamentary Ethics and Accountability (Jun. 2004)104.3 KB2004newsenglish
Speech on Knesset Ethical Code - Ronnie Bar-On, MK, Israel
Speech on Knesset Ethical Code – Ronnie Bar-On, MK, Israel99.1 KB2004speechenglish
Speech by Reha Denemec: Role of the Media (Jun. 2004)
Speech by Reha Denemec: Role of the Media (Jun. 2004)87.3 KB2004speechenglish
On the incompatibility and accountability in the Hungarian constitutional development
On the incompatibility and accountability in the Hungarian constitutional development69.6 KB2004speechenglish
PGA Newsletter (June 2004)
PGA Newsletter (June 2004)478.6 KB2004newsletterenglish
Speech by Jocelyn Mason (UNDP Talk) (Jun. 2004)
Speech by Jocelyn Mason (UNDP Talk) (Jun. 2004)72.1 KB2004speechenglish
Declaration on Parliamentary Ethics and Accountability (June 2004)
Declaration on Parliamentary Ethics and Accountability (June 2004)131.7 KB2004declarationenglish
PGA Welcomes the Withdrawal of Security Council Resolution 1487 on the International Criminal Court (Jun. 2004)
PGA Welcomes the Withdrawal of Security Council Resolution 1487 on the International Criminal Court (Jun. 2004)111.1 KB2004newsenglish
Speech by Fatmir Mediu: Values, Ethical Principles and Codes of Conduct for Parliamentarians
Speech by Fatmir Mediu: Values, Ethical Principles and Codes of Conduct for Parliamentarians112.9 KB2004speechenglish
PGA Urges Governments to Oppose Renewal of Security Council Resolution 1487
PGA Urges Governments to Oppose Renewal of Security Council Resolution 1487103.5 KB2004newsenglish
Remarks by Mr. Vinay Bhargava: Fighting Corruption: Role of the World Bank and Other International Financial Institutions (IFIs) (June 3-4, 2004)
Remarks by Mr. Vinay Bhargava: Fighting Corruption: Role of the World Bank and Other International Financial Institutions (IFIs) (June 3-4, 2004)98.1 KB2004speechenglish
Speech by Rep. Loretta Ann P. Rosales: The Relationship between Media and Parliament in the Promotion of Ethics
Speech by Rep. Loretta Ann P. Rosales: The Relationship between Media and Parliament in the Promotion of Ethics99.8 KB2004speechenglish
Speech by Elvia Navarro Vargas (Jun. 2004)
Speech by Elvia Navarro Vargas (Jun. 2004)143 KB2004speechenglish
Strategy Paper: European Neighbourhood Policy - Commission of the European Communities
Strategy Paper: European Neighbourhood Policy – Commission of the European Communities280.9 KB2004newsenglish
Parliamentary Resolution On The Role Of Legislators And The Legislative Process In Strengthening The Rule Of Law In Conflict Prevention, Conflict Management & Post-conflict Situations
Parliamentary Resolution On The Role Of Legislators And The Legislative Process In Strengthening The Rule Of Law In Conflict Prevention, Conflict Management & Post-conflict Situations124 KB2004resolutionenglish
Agenda: Seminar on Parliamentary Ethics and Accountability (Apr. 2004)
Agenda: Seminar on Parliamentary Ethics and Accountability (Apr. 2004)107.3 KB2004agendaenglish
Strategy Meeting on: “The Role Of Legislators And The Legislative Process In Strengthening The Rule Of Law In Conflict Situations”
Strategy Meeting on: “The Role Of Legislators And The Legislative Process In Strengthening The Rule Of Law In Conflict Situations”112.8 KB2004list-of-participantsenglish
Agenda: Iberoamerican-Lusophone Parliamentary Conference on the International Criminal Court
Agenda: Iberoamerican-Lusophone Parliamentary Conference on the International Criminal Court107.4 KB2004agendaenglish
Formulario de Inscripcion: Conferencia Parlamentaria Iberoamérica-comunidade Dos Países De Língua Portuguesa Sobre La Corte Penal Internacional (Mar. 2004)
Formulario de Inscripcion: Conferencia Parlamentaria Iberoamérica-comunidade Dos Países De Língua Portuguesa Sobre La Corte Penal Internacional (Mar. 2004)77.2 KB2004registration-formenglish
Speech: Lula da Silva, President of Brazil (Mar. 2004)
Speech: Lula da Silva, President of Brazil (Mar. 2004)133.8 KB2004speechenglish
Mensagem do Presidente Lula da Silva (Mar. 2004)
Mensagem do Presidente Lula da Silva (Mar. 2004)40.2 KB2004speechportugues
Conferencia Parlamentaria Iberoamérica-comunidade Dos Países De Língua Portuguesa Sobre La Corte Penal Internacional
Conferencia Parlamentaria Iberoamérica-comunidade Dos Países De Língua Portuguesa Sobre La Corte Penal Internacional117.2 KB2004newsespanol
Brasilia Declaration On The International Criminal Court (ICC) (Mar. 2004)
Brasilia Declaration On The International Criminal Court (ICC) (Mar. 2004)148.7 KB2004declarationenglish
Declaração De Brasília Sobre O Tribunal Penal Internacional (Mar. 2004)
Declaração De Brasília Sobre O Tribunal Penal Internacional (Mar. 2004)129.5 KB2004declarationportugues
Declaración De Brasilia Sobre La Corte Penal Internacional (Mar. 2004)
Declaración De Brasilia Sobre La Corte Penal Internacional (Mar. 2004)130.8 KB2004declarationespanol
PGA Hosts Parliamentary Seminar on Human Trafficking for West Africa (Feb. 2004)
PGA Hosts Parliamentary Seminar on Human Trafficking for West Africa (Feb. 2004)207.7 KB2004newsenglish
List of Participants: Parliamentary Seminar On Human Trafficking In West Africa: The Role Of Parliamentarians
List of Participants: Parliamentary Seminar On Human Trafficking In West Africa: The Role Of Parliamentarians178 KB2004list-of-participantsenglish
Liste des Participantes: Seminaire Parlementaire Sur Le Trafic Humain En Afrique De L’Ouest
Liste des Participantes: Seminaire Parlementaire Sur Le Trafic Humain En Afrique De L’Ouest181.4 KB2004list-of-participantsfrancais
Parliamentary Seminar on Human Trafficking in West Africa: “The Role of Parliamentarians”
Parliamentary Seminar on Human Trafficking in West Africa: “The Role of Parliamentarians”205.3 KB2004agendaenglish
Agenda: Seminaire Parlementaire Sur Le Trafic Humain En Afrique De L’Ouest
Agenda: Seminaire Parlementaire Sur Le Trafic Humain En Afrique De L’Ouest105.5 KB2004agendafrancais
We need to build a new world order (Jan. 2004)
We need to build a new world order (Jan. 2004)82.8 KB2004press-coverageenglish
2005 Annual Report - Parliamentarians for Global Action
2005 Annual Report – Parliamentarians for Global Action843.8 KB2005annual-reportenglish
PGA Letterhead (2005)
PGA Letterhead (2005)77.1 KB2005letterenglish
ILHR Programme - Calendar of Events 2005
ILHR Programme – Calendar of Events 2005104.6 KB2005calendarenglish
Agenda: PGA 27th Annual Parliamentary Forum - Migration, Immigration and Integration
Agenda: PGA 27th Annual Parliamentary Forum – Migration, Immigration and Integration145.8 KB2005agendaenglish
Dublin Declaration of Action - 27th Annual Forum (Nov. 2005)
Dublin Declaration of Action – 27th Annual Forum (Nov. 2005)150.5 KB2005declarationenglish
Review of Millennium Development Goals Hon. Pagtricia Nneamaka Udogu
Review of Millennium Development Goals Hon. Pagtricia Nneamaka Udogu1 MB2005background-informationenglish
México Se Convierte En El Estado 100 En Unirse A La Corte Penal Internacional: Legisladores De Todo El Mundo Celebran Este Acontecimiento Histórico
México Se Convierte En El Estado 100 En Unirse A La Corte Penal Internacional: Legisladores De Todo El Mundo Celebran Este Acontecimiento Histórico116.7 KB2005newsespanol
Statement by Mr. Zahir Uddin Swapon (Sep. 2005)
Statement by Mr. Zahir Uddin Swapon (Sep. 2005)82.4 KB2005statementenglish
Statement by Mrs Ermelinda Meksi (Sep. 2005)
Statement by Mrs Ermelinda Meksi (Sep. 2005)140.9 KB2005statementenglish
Mexico Poised To Become 100th State Party Of The International Criminal Court (Icc)
Mexico Poised To Become 100th State Party Of The International Criminal Court (Icc)110.8 KB2005newsenglish
Vacancy: ILHR Programme Internship
Vacancy: ILHR Programme Internship128.1 KB2005vacancyenglish
Speech by Senator Alain Destexhe (Belgium) - panel discussion on Migration
Speech by Senator Alain Destexhe (Belgium) – panel discussion on Migration8.1 KB2005speechenglish
Parliamentary Group Welcomes Kenya’s Ratification of Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Mar. 2005)
Parliamentary Group Welcomes Kenya’s Ratification of Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Mar. 2005)114.9 KB2005newsenglish
Photo: Regional Parliamentary Conference for Arab States (People's Assembly, Egypt) (Feb. 2005)
Photo: Regional Parliamentary Conference for Arab States (People’s Assembly, Egypt) (Feb. 2005)118.8 KB2005photoenglish
List of Participants: Regional Parliamentary Conference for Arab States (Egypt) (Feb. 2005)
List of Participants: Regional Parliamentary Conference for Arab States (Egypt) (Feb. 2005)160.4 KB2005list-of-participantsenglish
Agenda: Regional Parliamentary Conference for Arab States (People's Assembly, Egypt) (Feb. 2005)
Agenda: Regional Parliamentary Conference for Arab States (People’s Assembly, Egypt) (Feb. 2005)116.2 KB2005agendaenglish
Cairo Declaration on the Rule of Law and the Protection of Civilians (Feb. 2005)
Cairo Declaration on the Rule of Law and the Protection of Civilians (Feb. 2005)649.8 KB2005declarationenglish
Cairo Declaration on the Rule of Law and the Protection of Civilians (Feb. 2005) (Arabic)
Cairo Declaration on the Rule of Law and the Protection of Civilians (Feb. 2005) (Arabic)113.8 KB2005vacancyarabic
List of Participants: Sub-Regional South Asian Parliamentary Seminar on HIV/AIDS
List of Participants: Sub-Regional South Asian Parliamentary Seminar on HIV/AIDS217.5 KB2005list-of-participantsenglish
Background Paper: Sub-Regional South Asian Parliamentary Seminar on HIV/AIDS
Background Paper: Sub-Regional South Asian Parliamentary Seminar on HIV/AIDS156.2 KB2005background-informationenglish
Agenda: Sub-Regional South Asian Parliamentary Seminar on HIV/AIDS
Agenda: Sub-Regional South Asian Parliamentary Seminar on HIV/AIDS156.5 KB2005agendaenglish
Islamabad Declaration of Action (January 2005)
Islamabad Declaration of Action (January 2005)226.1 KB2005declarationenglish
Islamabad Declaration of Action (January 2005) (Russian)
Islamabad Declaration of Action (January 2005) (Russian)142.8 KB2005plan-of-actionrussian
Protecting the Integrity of the ICC
Protecting the Integrity of the ICC133 KB2005newsenglish
PGA Holds Annual Elections for Executive Committee and International Council
PGA Holds Annual Elections for Executive Committee and International Council144.7 KB2005newsenglish
In Midst of Acute Health Crisis of the Asian Tsunami, Parliamentarians Meet to Develop Strategies for Improving Region's Health Systems
In Midst of Acute Health Crisis of the Asian Tsunami, Parliamentarians Meet to Develop Strategies for Improving Region’s Health Systems152.6 KB2005newsenglish
H V Ross Robertson proposed a draft code of conduct for members of Parliament
H V Ross Robertson proposed a draft code of conduct for members of Parliament70.1 KB2003newsenglish
2003 Annual Report - Parliamentarians for Global Action
2003 Annual Report – Parliamentarians for Global Action1.1 MB2003annual-reportenglish
25th Anniversary Commemorative Edition
25th Anniversary Commemorative Edition6.5 MB2003publicationenglish
Calendar: ICC Ratification Campaign (2003-2004)
Calendar: ICC Ratification Campaign (2003-2004)7.7 KB2003calendarenglish
Code of Conduct proposal endorsed (Dec. 2003)
Code of Conduct proposal endorsed (Dec. 2003)95.5 KB2003newsenglish
Philippines petition to nullify BIA 9-30-03
Philippines petition to nullify BIA 9-30-03441.8 KB2003newsenglish
PGA Newsletter (Sep. 2003)
PGA Newsletter (Sep. 2003)1.1 MB2003newsletterenglish
Agenda: Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the ICC and the Rule of Law (Sep. 2003)
Agenda: Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the ICC and the Rule of Law (Sep. 2003)139.5 KB2003agendaenglish
Letter to Jesus Antonio Vasques from Pedro Alegría (Sep. 2003)
Letter to Jesus Antonio Vasques from Pedro Alegría (Sep. 2003)611.2 KB2003letterespanol
Letter to Alfredo Pacheco (Sep. 2003)
Letter to Alfredo Pacheco (Sep. 2003)387.6 KB2003letterespanol
Agenda: Parliamentary Peacemaking in Africa (Sep. 2003)
Agenda: Parliamentary Peacemaking in Africa (Sep. 2003)132.2 KB2003agendaenglish
List of Participants: Parliamentarians and International Cooperation: 25th Anniversary Tribute (Sep. 2003)
List of Participants: Parliamentarians and International Cooperation: 25th Anniversary Tribute (Sep. 2003)209.8 KB2003list-of-participantsenglish
Agenda: Parliamentarians and International Cooperation: 25th Anniversary Tribute (Sep. 2003)
Agenda: Parliamentarians and International Cooperation: 25th Anniversary Tribute (Sep. 2003)163.4 KB2003agendaenglish
New York Declaration on Parliamentary Action in support of the International Criminal Court (ICC)
New York Declaration on Parliamentary Action in support of the International Criminal Court (ICC)161.2 KB2003declarationenglish
Speech: Lincoln P. Bloomfield, Jr: The U.S. Government and the International Criminal Court (Sep. 2003)
Speech: Lincoln P. Bloomfield, Jr: The U.S. Government and the International Criminal Court (Sep. 2003)75.3 KB2003speechenglish
Letter to Guillermo Landázuri Carrillo (Jul. 2003)
Letter to Guillermo Landázuri Carrillo (Jul. 2003)1.2 MB2003letterespanol
Communiqué of Felipe Michelini
Communiqué of Felipe Michelini80.7 KB2003communiqueenglish
Uruguay - Felipe Michelini communique
Uruguay – Felipe Michelini communique111.3 KB2003communiquefrancais
Cuestión política planteada por el señor Representante Michelini
Cuestión política planteada por el señor Representante Michelini61.5 KB2003parliamentary-questionespanol
Threats to the International Criminal Court - Council of Europe
Threats to the International Criminal Court – Council of Europe64.9 KB2003newsenglish
Menaces qui pèsent sur la Cour pénale internationale - Conseil de L'Europe
Menaces qui pèsent sur la Cour pénale internationale – Conseil de L’Europe79.8 KB2003newsfrancais
Amenazas a la Corte Penal Internacional - Consejo de Europa
Amenazas a la Corte Penal Internacional – Consejo de Europa62.5 KB2003newsespanol
Wet van 19 juni 2003, houdende regels met betrekking tot ernstige schendingen van het internationaal humanitair recht (Wet internationale misdrijven)
Wet van 19 juni 2003, houdende regels met betrekking tot ernstige schendingen van het internationaal humanitair recht (Wet internationale misdrijven)46.3 KB2003newsnederlands
Speech: Hon. A. Raynell Andreychuk: Security Council Renewal of Resolution 1422 (Jun. 2003)
Speech: Hon. A. Raynell Andreychuk: Security Council Renewal of Resolution 1422 (Jun. 2003)60.9 KB2003speechenglish
Council of the European Union Common Position on the International Criminal Court (Jun. 2003)
Council of the European Union Common Position on the International Criminal Court (Jun. 2003)81.6 KB2003newsenglish
Letter to Vicente Fox Quesada (11 June 2003)
Letter to Vicente Fox Quesada (11 June 2003)423.9 KB2003letterenglish
Parliamentarians Oppose Renewal of Resolution 1422: Urge Critical Debate at Open Meeting of the Security Council
Parliamentarians Oppose Renewal of Resolution 1422: Urge Critical Debate at Open Meeting of the Security Council105.1 KB2003newsenglish
Sesión del día 11 de junio de 2003 (Uruguay)
Sesión del día 11 de junio de 2003 (Uruguay)102 KB2003newsenglish
PGA Announces Recipients of the 2003 Defender of Democracy Awards
PGA Announces Recipients of the 2003 Defender of Democracy Awards115.6 KB2003announcementenglish
PGA Consultative mission to Côte d’Ivoire (May 2003)
PGA Consultative mission to Côte d’Ivoire (May 2003)153.4 KB2003agendaenglish
PGA Consultative Mission to the Parliament of Zimbabwe
PGA Consultative Mission to the Parliament of Zimbabwe121.6 KB2003newsenglish
ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly (April 2003)
ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly (April 2003)68.3 KB2003resolutionenglish
Recommendations: Dialogue on Safeguarding the Integrity of the ICC
Recommendations: Dialogue on Safeguarding the Integrity of the ICC95.7 KB2003recommendationsenglish
Letter from Tarcisio Navarrete Montes de Oca to Luis Ernesto Derbez Bautista (Apr. 2003)
Letter from Tarcisio Navarrete Montes de Oca to Luis Ernesto Derbez Bautista (Apr. 2003)44.8 KB2003letterenglish
Carta de Tarcisio Navarrete Montes de Oca a Luis Ernesto Derbez Bautista (abril de 2003)
Carta de Tarcisio Navarrete Montes de Oca a Luis Ernesto Derbez Bautista (abril de 2003)56.4 KB2003letterespanol
Agenda: Strategy Meeting on Protecting the Integrity of the International Criminal Court (Apr. 2003)
Agenda: Strategy Meeting on Protecting the Integrity of the International Criminal Court (Apr. 2003)125.5 KB2003agendaenglish
Letter of Sen. Anthony Johnson (Jamaica) to H.E. Mr. A.N.R. Robinson (Trinidad and Tobago) (Mar. 2003)
Letter of Sen. Anthony Johnson (Jamaica) to H.E. Mr. A.N.R. Robinson (Trinidad and Tobago) (Mar. 2003)99.5 KB2003letterenglish
Moscow Declaration on Ratification and Implementation of the Rome Statute of the ICC in the CIS
Moscow Declaration on Ratification and Implementation of the Rome Statute of the ICC in the CIS189.6 KB2003declarationenglish
Moscow Declaration on Ratification and Implementation of the Rome Statute of the ICC in the CIS (Russian)
Moscow Declaration on Ratification and Implementation of the Rome Statute of the ICC in the CIS (Russian)138.6 KB2003declarationrussian
Meet The Candidates: Dennis Kucinich (PBS) (Feb. 2003)
Meet The Candidates: Dennis Kucinich (PBS) (Feb. 2003)66.6 KB2003press-coverageenglish
List of Participants: Regional Parliamentary Conference for the Commonwealth of Independent States
List of Participants: Regional Parliamentary Conference for the Commonwealth of Independent States145.5 KB2003list-of-participantsenglish
Agenda: Regional Parliamentary Conference for the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
Agenda: Regional Parliamentary Conference for the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)218.7 KB2003agendaenglish
СПИСОК УЧАСТНИКОВ - Региональная Парламентская Конференция Содружества Независимых Государств (СНГ)
СПИСОК УЧАСТНИКОВ – Региональная Парламентская Конференция Содружества Независимых Государств (СНГ)144.3 KB2003agendarussian
January 2003 Newsletter of Parliamentarians for Global Action
January 2003 Newsletter of Parliamentarians for Global Action1.1 MB2003newsletterenglish
Remarks by Mr. Tony Worthington, United Kingdom Parliament (Jan. 2003)
Remarks by Mr. Tony Worthington, United Kingdom Parliament (Jan. 2003)222.5 KB2003speechenglish
Parliamentarians for Global Action Annual Report (2002)
Parliamentarians for Global Action Annual Report (2002)6.9 MB2002annual-reportenglish
24th Annual Parliamentary Forum - Conference Report
24th Annual Parliamentary Forum – Conference Report3 MB2002event-reportenglish
Project: Justice & Rule of Law
Project: Justice & Rule of Law1 MB2002publicationenglish
Proyecto de Resolucion - La H. Cámara de Diputados de la Nación (Argentina)
Proyecto de Resolucion – La H. Cámara de Diputados de la Nación (Argentina)14.7 KB2002newsenglish
Integrity of the Statute of the International Criminal Court (Rome Statute). Statement by the National Council and the Swiss Senat
Integrity of the Statute of the International Criminal Court (Rome Statute). Statement by the National Council and the Swiss Senat59.4 KB2002newsenglish
Status of Signature and Ratification of the Rome Statute (Nov. 2002)
Status of Signature and Ratification of the Rome Statute (Nov. 2002)67.3 KB2002newsenglish
Agenda: A Parliamentary Assembly for the ICC (Nov. 2002)
Agenda: A Parliamentary Assembly for the ICC (Nov. 2002)140.2 KB2002agendaenglish
Programa: Una Asamblea parlamentaria de seguimiento de la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) y la promoción del estado de derecho
Programa: Una Asamblea parlamentaria de seguimiento de la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) y la promoción del estado de derecho204.5 KB2002agendaespanol
Ottawa Plan of Action on the International Criminal Court (Nov. 2002)
Ottawa Plan of Action on the International Criminal Court (Nov. 2002)175.7 KB2002plan-of-actionenglish
Plan d’action d’Ottawa à l’égard de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) (Nov. 2002)
Plan d’action d’Ottawa à l’égard de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) (Nov. 2002)188 KB2002plan-of-actionfrancais
Declaración de Ottawa sobre la Corte Penal Internacional (Nov. 2002)
Declaración de Ottawa sobre la Corte Penal Internacional (Nov. 2002)108.8 KB2002declarationespanol
List of Participants: Special Session on the Responsibility to Protect: The Role of Parliamentarians
List of Participants: Special Session on the Responsibility to Protect: The Role of Parliamentarians100 KB2002list-of-participantsenglish
Montevideo Communiqué by Felipe Michelini (October 17, 2002)
Montevideo Communiqué by Felipe Michelini (October 17, 2002)43.4 KB2002communiqueenglish
Rome Statute Enters into Force: First Permanent International Criminal Court
Rome Statute Enters into Force: First Permanent International Criminal Court1 MB2002newsletterenglish
Council of the European Union: Conclusions on the International Criminal Court
Council of the European Union: Conclusions on the International Criminal Court62.7 KB2002newsenglish
Projet de conclusions du Conseil sur la Cour pénale internationale
Projet de conclusions du Conseil sur la Cour pénale internationale91.1 KB2002newsfrancais
Proyecto de conclusiones del Consejo sobre la CPI
Proyecto de conclusiones del Consejo sobre la CPI63.7 KB2002newsespanol
Risks for the Integrity of the Statute of the International Criminal Court (Sep. 2002)
Risks for the Integrity of the Statute of the International Criminal Court (Sep. 2002)77.4 KB2002newsenglish
Parliamentary Workshop on Clean Air and Clean Water (Aug. 2002)
Parliamentary Workshop on Clean Air and Clean Water (Aug. 2002)289.9 KB2002event-reportenglish
Final Declaration: Parliamentary Workshop on Clean Air and Clean Water (Aug. 2002)
Final Declaration: Parliamentary Workshop on Clean Air and Clean Water (Aug. 2002)102.6 KB2002declarationenglish
Agenda: Parliamentary Workshop on Clean Air and Clean Water (Aug. 2002)
Agenda: Parliamentary Workshop on Clean Air and Clean Water (Aug. 2002)142.9 KB2002agendaespanol
Speech by US Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (Aug. 2002)
Speech by US Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (Aug. 2002)80.9 KB2002speechenglish
PGA Announces the re-formation of its Swedish National group (Aug. 2002)
PGA Announces the re-formation of its Swedish National group (Aug. 2002)99.3 KB2002announcementenglish
PGA Committed to Preventing Renewal in 2003 of Security Council Resolution 1422 (2002)
PGA Committed to Preventing Renewal in 2003 of Security Council Resolution 1422 (2002)109.2 KB2002newsenglish
Parliamentarians Take Action on Security Council Resolution 1422 to Prevent Its Renewal
Parliamentarians Take Action on Security Council Resolution 1422 to Prevent Its Renewal9.1 KB2002newsenglish
Letter of Congressman Dennis Kucinich to Secretary of State Colin Powell
Letter of Congressman Dennis Kucinich to Secretary of State Colin Powell290.6 KB2002letterenglish
Staatsblad van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
Staatsblad van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden61.3 KB2002newsnederlands
Euro-Iberoamerican Conference On The Ratification And Implementation Of The International Criminal Court (ICC) Statute
Euro-Iberoamerican Conference On The Ratification And Implementation Of The International Criminal Court (ICC) Statute106 KB2002newsenglish
List of Participants: Euro-Iberoamerican Conference On The Ratification And Implementation Of The International Criminal Court (ICC) Statute
List of Participants: Euro-Iberoamerican Conference On The Ratification And Implementation Of The International Criminal Court (ICC) Statute53.2 KB2002agendaenglish
Madrid Declaration (Jun. 2002)
Madrid Declaration (Jun. 2002)103.7 KB2002declarationespanol
Maurice Seminar, Rome Statute (May 2002)
Maurice Seminar, Rome Statute (May 2002)29.4 KB2002newsenglish
Agenda: Informal Briefing with the Security Council, G-77 (24 May 2002)
Agenda: Informal Briefing with the Security Council, G-77 (24 May 2002)77 KB2002agendaenglish
PGA Consultations and Meetings on ICC Ratification in South Asian States (March 2002)
PGA Consultations and Meetings on ICC Ratification in South Asian States (March 2002)91.3 KB2002newsenglish
Report on PGA Japan Study Session on the Interntional Criminal Court (Mar. 2002)
Report on PGA Japan Study Session on the Interntional Criminal Court (Mar. 2002)69.9 KB2002event-reportenglish
Letter of Elliott Abrams to Kenneth Dzirasah
Letter of Elliott Abrams to Kenneth Dzirasah77.1 KB2002letterenglish
New Delhi Declaration (March 3rd 2002)
New Delhi Declaration (March 3rd 2002)122.1 KB2002declarationenglish
Agenda: Parliament of India - PGA Regional Seminars on Strengthening United Nations Peace Operations – International Parliamentary Input (March 2002)
Agenda: Parliament of India – PGA Regional Seminars on Strengthening United Nations Peace Operations – International Parliamentary Input (March 2002)87.9 KB2002newsenglish
PGA Sub-regional Parliamentary Seminar on Immigration, Naturalization and Integration in West Africa (Feb. 2002)
PGA Sub-regional Parliamentary Seminar on Immigration, Naturalization and Integration in West Africa (Feb. 2002)128.7 KB2002newsenglish
Cairo Declaration (February 2002)
Cairo Declaration (February 2002)123.7 KB2002declarationenglish
Agenda: Egyptian People's Assembly - PGA Regional Seminars on Strengthening United Nations Peace Operations (Feb. 2002)
Agenda: Egyptian People’s Assembly – PGA Regional Seminars on Strengthening United Nations Peace Operations (Feb. 2002)148.9 KB2002agendaenglish
Declaration D’Abidjan - Seminaire Regional Des Parlementaires Sur L’immigration, La Naturalisation Et L’integration En Afrique De L’ouest
Declaration D’Abidjan – Seminaire Regional Des Parlementaires Sur L’immigration, La Naturalisation Et L’integration En Afrique De L’ouest83.4 KB2002declarationenglish
Agenda: PGA Regional Seminar on Strengthening United Nations Peace Operations – International Parliamentary Input (January 2002)
Agenda: PGA Regional Seminar on Strengthening United Nations Peace Operations – International Parliamentary Input (January 2002)168.3 KB2002agendaenglish
PGA Regional Seminar on Strengthening United Nations Peace Operations - Parliament House, Accra
PGA Regional Seminar on Strengthening United Nations Peace Operations – Parliament House, Accra168.2 KB2002agendaenglish
The Role of Parliament in the Development of E-Commerce and the Internet & Special Parliamentary Session on Counter-Terrorism
The Role of Parliament in the Development of E-Commerce and the Internet & Special Parliamentary Session on Counter-Terrorism4.7 MB2002event-reportenglish
Agenda: 23rd Annual Parliamentary Forum
Agenda: 23rd Annual Parliamentary Forum44.7 KB2002agendaenglish
Accra Declaration - PGA Regional Seminars on Strengthening United Nations Peace Operations – International Parliamentary Input
Accra Declaration – PGA Regional Seminars on Strengthening United Nations Peace Operations – International Parliamentary Input123.1 KB2002declarationenglish
Ten Years of Peace-Making | Parliamentarians for Global Action and its Task Force on Peace and Democracy 1991-2001
Ten Years of Peace-Making | Parliamentarians for Global Action and its Task Force on Peace and Democracy 1991-20014.2 MB2001publicationenglish
Parliamentarians for Global Action Annual Report (2001)
Parliamentarians for Global Action Annual Report (2001)6.5 MB2001annual-reportenglish
Lista Dos Representantes Dos Países Membros Da Comunidade Dos Paises De Lingua Portuguesa
Lista Dos Representantes Dos Países Membros Da Comunidade Dos Paises De Lingua Portuguesa83.1 KB2001list-of-signatoriesportugues
Launch Of Three-year Population Project In Mali And Nigeria (Nov. 2001)
Launch Of Three-year Population Project In Mali And Nigeria (Nov. 2001)110.7 KB2001announcementenglish
PGA Congressional Briefing and Press Conference on Food Security (July 12, 2001)
PGA Congressional Briefing and Press Conference on Food Security (July 12, 2001)92.9 KB2001event-reportenglish
Kucinich to Host News Conference, Briefing on Impact of Genetically Engineered Food on Food Security
Kucinich to Host News Conference, Briefing on Impact of Genetically Engineered Food on Food Security218.6 KB2001government-publicationenglish
Conference on International Criminal Court (ICC) - Ratification and Implementation for the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Region
Conference on International Criminal Court (ICC) – Ratification and Implementation for the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Region119.9 KB2001event-reportenglish
Submission To Standing Orders Committee On Code Of Conduct For Members Of Parliament
Submission To Standing Orders Committee On Code Of Conduct For Members Of Parliament86 KB2001submissionenglish
Summary of Proceedings: Conference on ICC Ratification in Lusophone Countries (Fe. 2001)
Summary of Proceedings: Conference on ICC Ratification in Lusophone Countries (Fe. 2001)91.1 KB2001event-reportenglish
Plan of Action: Conference on ICC Ratification in Lusophone Countries (Fe. 2001)
Plan of Action: Conference on ICC Ratification in Lusophone Countries (Fe. 2001)124.8 KB2001plan-of-actionenglish
Agenda: Conference on ICC Ratification in Lusophone Countries (Feb. 2001)
Agenda: Conference on ICC Ratification in Lusophone Countries (Feb. 2001)159.1 KB2001agendaenglish
2000 Annual Report - Parliamentarians for Global Action
2000 Annual Report – Parliamentarians for Global Action3.7 MB2000annual-reportenglish
Agenda: 22nd Annual Parliamentary Forum (Dec. 2000)
Agenda: 22nd Annual Parliamentary Forum (Dec. 2000)202.4 KB2000agendaenglish
Rapport D’atelier: La Legislation En Matiere De Sante De La Reproduction En Afrique De L’ouest (Nov. 2000)
Rapport D’atelier: La Legislation En Matiere De Sante De La Reproduction En Afrique De L’ouest (Nov. 2000)284 KB2000event-reportenglish
Conferencia para la Ratificación del Estatuto de la Corte Penal Internacional De Argentina a LatinoAmerica (Oct. 2000)
Conferencia para la Ratificación del Estatuto de la Corte Penal Internacional De Argentina a LatinoAmerica (Oct. 2000)101.8 KB2000event-reportenglish
Raúl Alfonsín and PGA agree on a Latin-American plan of action for the ICC (11 October 2000)
Raúl Alfonsín and PGA agree on a Latin-American plan of action for the ICC (11 October 2000)118.5 KB2000plan-of-actionenglish
The Arusha Plan of Action for the International Criminal Court
The Arusha Plan of Action for the International Criminal Court80.2 KB2000plan-of-actionenglish
Rapporteur Generals’ Report On The 3rd Annual Conference Of PGA’s West Africa Program On Population & Sustainable Development (May 2000)
Rapporteur Generals’ Report On The 3rd Annual Conference Of PGA’s West Africa Program On Population & Sustainable Development (May 2000)117.1 KB2000event-reportenglish
3rd annual Conference on “Implementing the ICPD Agenda” (Accra, 15-17 May, 2000)
3rd annual Conference on “Implementing the ICPD Agenda” (Accra, 15-17 May, 2000)88.9 KB2000agendaenglish
Report: 3rd annual Conference on “Implementing the ICPD Agenda”
Report: 3rd annual Conference on “Implementing the ICPD Agenda”117 KB2000event-reportenglish
Agenda: 3rd annual Conference on “Implementing the ICPD Agenda”
Agenda: 3rd annual Conference on “Implementing the ICPD Agenda”88.9 KB2000agendaenglish
Sustainable Development & Population Programme 1993 - 1999 Report
Sustainable Development & Population Programme 1993 – 1999 Report2 MB1999programme-reportenglish
1999 Annual Report - Parliamentarians for Global Action
1999 Annual Report – Parliamentarians for Global Action5.2 MB1999annual-reportenglish
21st United Nations Parliamentary Forum - September 29-30, 1999
21st United Nations Parliamentary Forum – September 29-30, 19993.2 MB1999event-reportenglish
Position Paper: A World-wide Campaign To Bring About The Early Operations Of The International Criminal Court (Oct. 1999)
Position Paper: A World-wide Campaign To Bring About The Early Operations Of The International Criminal Court (Oct. 1999)75.1 KB1999position-paperenglish
Agenda: Eradicating Global Poverty: Parliamentary Action Agenda for the 21st Century
Agenda: Eradicating Global Poverty: Parliamentary Action Agenda for the 21st Century174 KB1999agendaenglish
2nd Annual Conference on “Implementing the ICPD Agenda”
2nd Annual Conference on “Implementing the ICPD Agenda”220.1 KB1999agendaenglish
1998 Annual Report - Parliamentarians for Global Action
1998 Annual Report – Parliamentarians for Global Action5.1 MB1998annual-reportenglish
20th Annual United Nations Parliamentary Forum - In Defense of Human Dignity, Striking the Balance of Peace and Justice
20th Annual United Nations Parliamentary Forum – In Defense of Human Dignity, Striking the Balance of Peace and Justice5.5 MB1998event-reportenglish
Agenda: 20th Annual Parliamentary Forum
Agenda: 20th Annual Parliamentary Forum347 KB1998agendaenglish
Statuut van Rome inzake het Internationale Strafhof; Rome, 17 juli 1998
Statuut van Rome inzake het Internationale Strafhof; Rome, 17 juli 1998536.7 KB1998government-publicationnederlands
1997 Annual Report - Parliamentarians for Global Action
1997 Annual Report – Parliamentarians for Global Action4.4 MB1997annual-reportenglish
Crafting Lasting Peace - The 19th United Nations Annual Parliamentary Forum - October 1997
Crafting Lasting Peace – The 19th United Nations Annual Parliamentary Forum – October 19973.5 MB1997event-reportenglish
Implementing the ICPD Agenda: Action Plan for Parliamentarians (1997)
Implementing the ICPD Agenda: Action Plan for Parliamentarians (1997)88.1 KB1997plan-of-actionenglish
Agenda: PGA 19th Annual Parliamentary Forum - Crafting Lasting Peace
Agenda: PGA 19th Annual Parliamentary Forum – Crafting Lasting Peace494.5 KB1997agendaenglish
1996 Annual Report - Parliamentarians for Global Action
1996 Annual Report – Parliamentarians for Global Action5.9 MB1996annual-reportenglish
PGA Annual Report (1995)
PGA Annual Report (1995)5.4 MB1995annual-reportenglish
PGA Annual Report 1994
PGA Annual Report 19948.3 MB1994annual-reportenglish
1993 Annual Report - Parliamentarians for Global Action
1993 Annual Report – Parliamentarians for Global Action8.2 MB1993annual-reportenglish