I have worked as a journalist for over two decades, contributing to publications including Ms. Magazine, the Women’s Media Center, the New York Daily News and the Christian Science Monitor, and have appeared as an analyst on news programs. I write on women’s empowerment, South Asian politics, and the role of parliaments in international affairs. Here are a selection of my articles, speeches, interviews:
The UN’s Concrete Ceiling, January 9, 2017
Why the UN must stop “wondering” about cartoon WW and get going on the real work
Must it be a Woman? UNAUK Magazine, September 21, 2016
Is the US doing enough to elect the first Woman as UN Secretary-General? September 12, 2016
Will Egypt Choose a Woman? June 23, 2016
Can a Woman break the world’s last glass ceiling? My interview with the Independent, May 24, 2016
Boutros Boutros-Ghali: A Personal Tribute, March 10, 2016
#Becauseits2016 its time for #She4SG, January 4, 2016
Preserving the past while we build the future, November 2, 2015
/Including Women leads to Lasting Peace, October 21, 2015
First steps to Cleaner Air: Measure Air-Quality to Improve it, October 5, 2015
Desperate Escapes: Why Syrian and other refugees are rushing to Europe, September 18, 2015
Every Breath we Take: Challenges in Delhi and Beijing, August 17, 2015
Gender Equality and Freedom of Expression, June 18, 2015
World Health Assembly Backs Calls to Strengthen Clean Air SDGs, May 27, 2015
The Still Hidden Face of Eve – Women’s unpaid labor and economic inequality, April 29, 2015
20 years after Beijing Conference on women who still runs the world?, March 26, 2015
A Case for Gandhara: Restoring our National Narrative, February 19, 2015
Essential Steps: International Lessons-Learnt on Counter-Terrorism for Pakistan, January 18, 2015
Ich bin ein Berliner:Giving teeth to Arms Trade Treaty in Berlin, November 29, 2014
Women’s leadership in passage of global arms treaty, September 25, 2014
Laying Claim to Our Bodies, Women’s Media Center, May 7, 2014: On Spanish women’s activism to protect their reproductive rights.
Pakistan—The Last Destination of the Stars, Women’s Media Center, March 29, 2013: Pakistan’s first democratic transition, and what the United States can do to support women and democracy there.
Tunisia’s Women—Defying the Odds, Women’s Media Center, April 10, 2012: Tunisia is finding its own way while Islamist movements gain power in the region.
Morituri te Salutant: On a “Surge” in Afghanistan, Women’s Media Center, December 8, 2009: We must focus on a political process that respects the rights of women to successfully end international military engagement in Afghanistan.
Addressing the Muslim World, President Obama Reached Well Beyond the Arab Dignitaries, Women’s Media Center, June 8, 2009: On Barack Obama’s Cairo address and his outreach to the Middle East.
Democracy and Pandora’s Box: Family Laws in Afghanistan, Women’s Media Center, April 20, 2009. A proposed marriage law exposes Afghan women to the potential of domestic violence.
New U.S. Policy in AfPak: Looking for Mr. Moderate Taliban, Women’s Media Center, March 16, 2009: We must reject a peace process that sacrifices women’s empowerment.
Turning the Tide against the Taliban: What Works, Women’s Media Center, February 3, 2009: How the Obama Administration can empower the Pakistani people.
Global Connections Television: Bill Miller interviews Shazia Z. Rafi, PGA Secretary-General
Interview with International Business Times on election of UNSG 2016